
                ____            __  ___
               / ___| _ __   ___\ \/ / |_ _ __ _   _ _ __ ___
               \___ \| '_ \ / _ \\  /| __| '__| | | | '_ ` _ \
                ___) | |_) |  __//  \| |_| |  | |_| | | | | | |
               |____/| .__/ \___/_/\_\\__|_|   \__,_|_| |_| |_|
                           !  SpeXtrum v0.2A Beta  !
                           !    26th June 2004     !

  Note: This is a Beta release and as such should be considered in the Beta 
  stages of development. Please bear this in mind, as although this is a 
  vastly updated version from the Alpha, SpeXtrum may or may not work as 
  expected and may contain bugs.  Use at your own risk! 



  Version 0.2A fixes a bug with emulating flashing attributes.

  Thanks to Tanas for pointing this out.

  For those that have already downloaded and installed v0.2 there is an XBE only 
  package available (~340KB).

  Anyone downloading for the first time should download the full package (~1.7MB).