============================= Version history for LinksBoks ============================= 2004-03-21: version 0.91 "Lemmiwinks Edition" --------------------------------------------- - You asked for it: USB keyboard/mouse support (see notes below) Done without the hardware :) Thanks to sebel19 from the gueux forums for testing this out. - Downloads to disk are now working! The default download directory is X:\, it can be changed, check the Options manager. D: is mapped to the LinksBoks directory, not the DVD. - HDTV should work now (still untested though) - Added some options to the Options manager: look in "User interface" - Video calibration screen (Options>Video calibration) to adjust your margins easily. Don't forget to save your options afterwards! - Options can now be saved :). Delete your existing links.cfg & options files. - Fixed the scrolling glitch in the tree-based dialogs. - Changed some mappings in Navigation Mode (B=ESC on keyboard, Y=close current tab/cancel dialog/exit) - Clicking left thumbstick changes input mode as well as BACK - D-pad has a (configurable) repeat rate now. KNOWN BUGS/RELEASE NOTES for this version: - ftp:, file: protocols are still broken. Expect the 'LINKSBOKS CRASHED!' screens you've seen before. - About the keyboard: only the US layout is supported. Supporting other layouts implies doing the key <-> ascii code mappings by hand, and I'll _never_ do this myself, sorry. - Extra buttons on Intellimouses should normally do back/forward. - It seems the Javascript engine would be a pain in the ass to reenable, so it might stay off :/. It's rather weak anyway, you would be disappointed. - Flash/Java support is basically not possible, so stop asking please :). 2004-03-07: version 0.9 PUBLIC BETA ----------------------------------- - Initial release. This is a pre-release of v1.0, aimed at testing LinksBoks on a large scale. Please report any problems that aren't covered here. Note that the HTML rendering engine works fine as far as I know, I won't work on it. So if it doesn't meet your expectations, enhance it yourself, or run GentooX or whatever and fire up Mozilla or Konqueror. KNOWN BUGS (don't complain about them)/RELEASE NOTES for this version : - FTP is broken; - Downloads (saving to disk) are disabled/broken; - There is no way to input accented characters (too lazy :p); - Some GIF images are messed up, for example the top banner on xbox-scene (too lazy too, I'll look into it); - HTTPS support is disabled (planned for next release); - The built-in Javascript engine is disabled (wouldn't compile and it was not on my top-priority list... it might be eventually reenabled some day) - No support for USB keyboard/IR/whatever for now, as I don't have those - Need to clean up the code - Leave out the options/displays that aren't useful or applicable on Xbox - Replace the links-hacked internal documentation by something more appropriate - Various other bugs I forgot about |