.                             __       __     __                   .
  ...      __/\_/\_______:______|  \__   /  |   /  \_____________:   .:. !dd
   :  ____/ /  \  ' ]   /|      ]     |_/   |   \                |    :
_ ___ \___      \   |\  \|    _ \    / \   _| __ \               | ___ __ _
        /   __   \  | \  \__ : | \   \_/  / ____  \____   _______|
       /   /_\___/  :_/ ___/ | |  \      / |    |     /   /      :
 _ __ /      \|___      /|   |_:  /  __  \ |____|   _/   /_    ___ ___ _ _
     /    ___/    \    //        /   \|   \        /    |  \     .
   : \            /   / \       /     \    \      /         \         :
  .:. \___      _/___/   \_____/    __/____/      \_______  /        .:.
   .     \_____/               \___/                     \_/          .
.________________________]      Arx Fatalis       [________________________.
|                                    |                                     |
|   Date   : 02/16/04                |      # of cheats : +7               |
|   Author : dootdoo                 |      Region(s)   : USA/NTSC         |
|                                    |                                     |
|                                    |                                     |
|--] Options [______________________/ \____________________________________|
|                                                                          |
| Infinite Magic                                                           |
| Free Items                                                               |
| Buy Anything                                                             |
| FREE Blacksmith repairs                                                  |
| Invincible                                                               |
| 2Billion Gold                                                            |
| Full Health Always                                                       |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|--] Release Info [________________________________________________________|
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
| Infinite Magic - Magic energy does not decrease.                         |
|                                                                          |
| Free Items - Items don't take money.                                     |
|                                                                          |
| Buy Anything - Only use with above option, allows you to buy anything    |
|    regardless of money.                                                  |
|                                                                          |
| FREE Blacksmith repairs - repairs don't take money.                      |
|                                                                          |
| Invincible - Invincible to attack, you will still get hurt if you don't  |
|    eat food.                                                             |
|                                                                          |
| 2Billion Gold - Always have 2 billion in gold when cheat is on.          |
|                                                                          |
| Full Health Always - Always full health, don't need to eat food, will    |
|    auto heal constantly.  NOTE: You can still die from poisoning!        |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
| Please note that you can still be poisoned, but only three enemies can   |
| poison you as far as I know, so you should be fine :)                    |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
| A special warm thanks goes out to mikeerwin for testing this trainer for |
| many hours, and finding that poisoning can still hurt you, he pointed    |
| out that you'd almost have to try to get poisoned to death.              |
|                                                                          |
| -dootdoo/Evox-T                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|--] General Info [________________________________________________________|
|                                                                          |
| Evox-T encourages feedback, and welcomes requests.  All releases are     |
| tested on ORIGINAL dvd and from harddrive.                               |
|                                                                          |
| Evox-T is the official trainer maker for EvolutionX, we strive to bring  |
| you only top quality trainers.                                           |
|                                                                          |
| Evox-T is brought to you by: acidflash, ddh, Goku, and dootdoo, if you   |
| have questions or concerns contact any of us at one of the forums listed |
| below.                                                                   |
|                                                                          |
| We are looking for talented USA/Euro/AUS/Japanese trainer makers.        |
| If interested contact a group member at a supported forum.               |
|                                                                          |
|--] Thanks [______________________________________________________________|
|                                                                          |
| Special thanks to Team EvolutionX for adding the trainer functionality   |
| to the EvolutionX dash. Thanks also go out to everyone else involved in  |
| the Xbox homebrew scene.  A special thanks to Xport for putting up with  |
| dootdoo's repetitive questions.. :)                                      |
|                                                                          |
| Also, thank you Titanik, [sheep], and Destop and all other trainer       |
| authors, without your efforts the xbox trainer scene would not exist.    |
|                                                                          |
|--] Contact [_____________________________________________________________|
|                                                                          |
| http://forums.evolutionx.info/                                           |
| http://forums.maxconsole.com/                                            |
| http://forums.xbox-scene.com/                                            |
|                                                                          |
|  ____                                                                    |