. . - - -:- ----------------------:- - - | `:: | | ________ ' | - M X T - _ _ _:___ _________/\ _/____\ \ /\______|____________ ___:_ _ _ | _\ __ \ / \ \/. __ __ /_ | | \\/|. \ \/ .\_ // __/ |. |\// | [ ::::: | . || |\ / ||/ \ \ || | . | ::::: ] | ::. _| | \/| | /\ \_| |_ .:: | _ _ _|______\ ______| |____________ / \______/|________ /______|_ _ _ : \/ | . \/ | \/ : | ::. | - - -:---------------------- -:- - - ' ' ' ' .-------------------- - True Crimes: Streets of LA +7 - --------------------. | Date: 12/01/2003 : : Size: ~1kb | `----------------------- - - - - - - ------------------------' ::::::::: [ R e l e a s e . N o t e s ] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .----------------------- - - - - - - ------------------------. | : | True Crimes: Streets of LA +7 (MULTI- PAL/NTSC) | | | | Lock Badge Points | | Lock Bad Cop -99 (255 bad deeds, 0 good) | | Lock Good Cop +99 (255 good deeds, 0 bad) | | Can't lose karma | | Hits Dont Connect | | Infinite Health | | ALL cars are Invincible | | | | Lock Badge Points: | | Running over people, getting killed, or paying for training will | | no longer take away badge points.. Enjoy | | | | Lock Bad Cop -99: | | You need to run over or shoot an innocent to make this happen, | | good deeds may (I didn't test) increase this value, but if it does | | just run over someone and it'll reset to 255 bad, 0 good deeds.. | | | | Lock Good Cop +99: | | Same as above, but good points.. | | | | Can't lose karma: | | You can earn karma, but not lose it, be aware, that this option | | disables the Lock Good/Bad cop stuff.. | | | | Hits Dont Connect | | When someone punches or kicks at you they always miss, graples and guns | | WILL still hit you though.. | | | | Infinite Health | | Nothing with harm you | | | | ALL cars are Invincible | | | All cars do not take damage, you can still shoot out thier tires, but | | you can ram/shoot them as much as you want and nothing will happen | | | | | | By request, hope ya enjoy it... | | dootdoo / MaxTrainers | | | : | `----------------------- - - - - - - ------------------------' :::::::::: [ U p d a t e s ] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .----------------------- - - - - - - ------------------------. | : | Added PAL check.. Thanks Giony | : | `----------------------- - - - - - - ------------------------' :::::::::: [ M o r e . I n f o ] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .----------------------- - - - - - - ------------------------. | : | This is one of the first of many quality releases from MXT. You may | | download all our releases and many other evolutionx trainers from | | http://trainers.maxconsole.com . | | | | Visit http://forums.maxconsole.com to discuss this release and reach me | | | | We are currently looking for : | | | | Coders - To join the team and produce quality trainers. | | | | Graphics Artists - To produce artworks and nfo's for the groups work. | | | | Greetings go out to www.maxconsole.com, Dootdoo, Danshuk, Angelfly, | | Team Evolution X, and all those who we forgot , you know who you are! | | | | If you think you can help in anyway please email [email protected] . | : : `----------------------- - - - - - - ------------------------' <------------ - (c) MXT 2003 - Training the Scene to the MAX! - --------------> |