Final Burn Alpha X B4 - Christmas Edition

Ported from the Win32 version by TMaul and Lantus. 

Merry Xmas from the FBA-X team! We hope you enjoy this
new release.
Note: B4 is a major update to FBA-X B3. We recommend before
you run B4 to delete your config data in E:\TDATA\FFFF0504\

Whats new?

- Merged in current FBA Win32 v0.2.94.97 source code
- Now supports Neogeo games.
- Virtual Memory Management for NeoGeo.
- NeoGeo roms are automatically decrypted. No need to provide
  decrypted sets.
- Removed B3 Guwange hack. Gave it Virtual Memory instead.
- Added Previews
- Made cosmetic changes to UI
- Added sound filters.
- Added a small Sleep() when Menu is exited so button press wont
  register in game.
- DIP Switches added
- x3 buttons added (check Configuration screens)
- Added AdMame2x, Simple2x, Scanlines filters
- Added Point, Linear, Quincunx, Anisortopic,Guassian-Cubic hardware filters
- Rewrote rotate code.
- Rewrote resize/aspect code.
- Removed seperate screen configs for games, only 2 screen configs now,
  one for rotated games, one for normal. Saves the hassle of users
  needing to resize each rom.
- Added G drive support.
- Fixed a small memory leak.
- Code cleanup.
Notes on NeoGeo

You should have the following bios files in your Otherwise
you may run into problems:

Filename	CRC32
------------	----------
000-lo.lo 	0xE09E253C 
aes-bios 	0xD27A71F1 
asia-s3.rom 	0x91B64BE3 
neodebug.bin 	0x698EBB7D 
sfix.sfx 	0x354029FC 
sm1.sm1 	0x97Cf998B 
sp-s2.sp1 	0x9036D879 
uni-bios.12 	0x4FA698E9 
usa_2slt.bin 	0x2723A5B5 
vs-bios.rom 	0xF0E8F27D

Decryption is a very complex process and may take up to 45 seconds to
complete with some roms. Please be patient.