Easy Phoenix Install Release 3.0 ************** **DISCLAIMER** ************** By using this software I and others that created / tested / and used this software take absolutely NO responsibility for any damage done to any Xbox by use of the included software. Also by the simple act of downloading the software (and use) you agree to not hold the creator or modifiers of this software package reliable for any copy written material included or added to the software package by the creator and/or modifier. ************** **DISCLAIMER** ************** ----- *--INTRO--* ----- Finally the long awaited release of the Easy Phoenix Install - GUI. This software has been created for two main reasons and are to be used for those two reasons only. 1. To educate individuals with the knowledge on how the xbox exploits work for either new individuals looking to install and exploit or for those having difficulties getting an exploit to work. 2. To ease the installation process for individuals wishing to either newly embarking on modifying there xbox or for the experienced individuals to allow them the ease of creating a exploit installation and allow them to easy upgrade any previously installed exploit. *********** **WARNING** *********** IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU HAVE A METHOD SETUP TO BOOT THE XBOX TO RESTORE THE XBOX CONTENT SUCH AS A SAVE GAME EXPLOIT. ALSO IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CREATE YOUR OWN XBOX C AND E DRIVE BACKUP BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY EXPLOIT ON AN XBOX. NOT DOING SO COULD RESULT IN NOT BEING ABLE TO RESTORE THE XBOX TO A WORKING ORDER IF PROBLEMS ARE TO ARISE. *********** **WARNING** *********** ------------ *--INSTALLATION--* ------------ Sadly enough though I had expected to have a fully automated installation procedure for the first release of this software package, one has not come about (being worked on currently). So to install this software package it is rather simple. Follow these steps: 1. Unzip epi_r10.zip file into a directory you wish to run the software package out of. 2. Under the "install" directory included in the zip file there are 3 files. If you are running Windows95/98 or Windows ME: Install the 9xMe_scripten.exe file by following the installation screens. Install the VBRun60.exe file by following the installation screens. If you are running WindowsNT/2000 or WindowsXP: Install the 2kXP_scripten.exe file by following the installation screens. Install the VBRun60.exe file by following the installation screens. 3. Reboot your pc. 4. Installation Complete ----- *--Usage--* ----- Using the GUI is rather easy as well. 1. Boot the XBox with a method you can FTP into the XBox. (HOT SWAP NOT SUPPORTED) **This program expects the username and password of the xbox's ftp to be xbox/xbox** **If it is not set to this already please change it to be or the program will hang** 2. Select the options you would like to have for the exploit to install/use. 3. Click the button of choice for exploit creation/installation If you choose the "Install Now" Button the program will build the chosen exploit required file/folder structure based off the current xbox content and push the created structure to the xbox. ** With this option it is HIGHLY recommended to choose the "Backup" options of the ** app as well as have a way to boot the xbox into a method that would allow you to ** restore the xbox content incase of failure for whatever reason If you choose the "Create Exploit Drive Content" Button the program will build the chosen exploits required file/folder structure based off the xbox content and display the content structure created for you to manually transfer the files/folder to your xbox. If you choose the "Restore XBox" Button the program will verify there has been a previously backup created and if so restore that backup to the xbox ---------- *--CONCLUSION--* ---------- This software has been rigorously tested in different OS's and many problems found have been corrected but this does now mean that the software package is "flaw free". If problems are found please report them to "[email protected]". Also if you look at the source and would like to recommend any changes feel free to email the info to the same email address listed above. Happy installing and please check back for updates for there has been many expected to come already. ************** **DISCLAIMER** ************** By using this software I and others that created / tested / and used this software take absolutely NO responsibility for any damage done to any xbox by use of the included software. Also by the simple act of downloading the software (and use) you agree to not hold the creator or modifiers of this software package reliable for any copy written material included or added to the software package by the creator and/or modifier. ************** **DISCLAIMER** ************** |