Halo Cache Editor v0.4.5 alpha ============================ http://users.pandora.be/-_X_-/HCE [email protected] (always email me for suggestions ;) How To Use: ----------- If you have PAL Halo make region.cfg and put PAL in it Default Halo path is F:\Games\Halo\default.xbe Otherwise make file halo.cfg is same folder and use this content --BEGIN FILE-- STATION FOLDER XBE --END FILE --BEGIN EXAMPLE-- E Games\Halo default.xbe --END EXAMPLE-- this will start Halo from E:\Games\Halo\default.xbe then upload all files/folder (Media, Maps folder) Start program, left bottom will show region if this is wrong press BACK and select correct REGION (yellow is selected one) If no cache files were found it will start Halo automaticly Otherwise press white to select cache file All NTSC sp/mp maps are included, for PAL only bloodgulch is supported yet Use L/R Trigger to go to the page/section you want. Select the Item you want to change by using DPAD to move to it, press A Go to new item (you can switch between pages), press A again Right colum will show your new choosen projectile Press Y to save cache, A to continue Then press START to run Halo and use your modified maps :D Halo can have max 3 mp maps and you can all change them :) Put PPF patches in HCE\PPF or PPF-P for PAL What's New: ----------- + Fixed double space prob + Fixed resetting cache + Added PPF support (this is a test version for PPF) - Press BACK then Apply Patch, choose file, then cache, wait for window to dissapear, patch is done! + You can save presets, but load them yet :p HCEv0.4: -------- + Redid saving ;) + Added a DNC option, so those values can't be changed + Reads values from cache file + Fixed changing region + No more probs with duplicate items + Skinning, color changes, see in Skin.ini :) HCEv0.3: ---------- + redid bin file + added pages, now max 10 pages and 17 items per page + switching items between page - BAD VERSION :p HCEv0.2 ----------- + Scrolling is fixed + Fixed code - Removed debugging stuff (oops :p) Credits: -------- First of all thx to PfhorSlayer for his hme tool, without him nothing would be possible. Then thx to BOLL for his nice NTSC outputs. Thx to Kennelbound for all his sp-mp bin files. Thx to Valdek for the vehicle stuff in mp. Thx to everyone in #halo. Thx to everyone who helped me coding |