README CAREFULLY ********************************************************* ********************************************************* ___ _ ___ _ / \__ _ ___| |__ / __\___ | | ___ _ __ / /\ / _` / __| '_ \ / / / _ \| |/ _ \| '__| / /_// (_| \__ \ | | / /__| (_) | | (_) | | /___,' \__,_|___/_| |_\____/\___/|_|\___/|_| ___ _ _ / _ \__ _| |_ ___| |__ ___ _ __ / /_)/ _` | __/ __| '_ \ / _ \ '__| / ___/ (_| | || (__| | | | __/ | \/ \__,_|\__\___|_| |_|\___|_| v0.1.1b ********************************************************* ********************************************************* I'm proud to present First Color Patcher for MS Dashboard And more ;) What's New: ~~~~~~~~~~~ v0.0.X are Private Alpha Tests: v0.0.0 to v0.0.3: * save/load presets, v0.0.4a: * adding no xips resign hack (thx to Voltaic) v0.0.5a: * adding colors/alpha scrollbars, v0.0.6a: * adding Partition Hack, v0.0.7a: * design complete, patch engine fixed, v0.0.8a: * adding alpha support for those materials that can support it, * many patch engine improvments... v0.0.9a: * first "public" alpha, * logs rewriten, v0.1.0b: * all materials can now be changed and fully supported, * first official public version, Public Versions begin here: v0.1.1b: * fixed patch engine (produce bad xbe), * HighlightedType colors and buttons fixed. WARNING: ~~~~~~~~ 1) WORKS ONLY FOR DASHBOARD 4920 (10027100 one) 2) Don't use long file names for your dashboard file, IT'S NAME MUST IN 8.3 FORMAT, 3) If it don't work, try it on fresh xbe, 4) On some materials you will be not able to modify one or more of RGBA primitive, don't stress, it's normal that means that the selected material cannot handle it, 5) The No XIPs Resign Patch only allow you to mod XIPs files without resigning the dashboard (thx Voltaic) but you still need to resign after patching using this tool or when you add a file in a XIP. 6) This program is under high development and still in alpha stage so i assume know what you are doing.... 7) ALLWAYS MAKE SOME BACKUPS !!! 8) It is known that some presets or some colors config does not work or may have some dash bugs, (so try to change some and play again!). Use: ~~~~ 1) Put your MS Dash xbe in "Dashs\" directory, 2) Run the proggy, 3) Select a dashboard from "Select Dash XBE" button 4) Modify all what you need, 5) I suggest you to save your own preset, 6) Only two words: "Patch It !" You will find your new modded dashboard in "ModdedDashs\" directory. 7) Resign it, 8) Upload it to your bobox, 9) Have Phun !!! TIPS: ~~~~~ 1) All backing colors needs to be darker than other (for best looking), 2) Alpha stand for transparency ( 0 = transparent and 255 = opaque ) ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Greats: Gcue, _n3o_, Voltaic, JbOne, and all others i forget ~~~~~~~ I know there are many of them ;) And again Gcue :P Alpha Testers: Gcue, BigGanja, _n3o_, Shadow_Mx, some others ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Presets Makers: _n3o_, Elfje, you :p (watch next release) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Teams Greats: All Teams around the XBox Scene ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allways thanks _n3o_ for figlet design... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And YES i'm boring to write these greats long as hell :P ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ |