_____ .__ / \ ____ ____ | |__ / \ / \_/ __ \_/ ___\| | \ ______ / Y \ ___/\ \___| Y \ /_____/ \____|__ /\___ >\___ >___| / \/ \/ \/ \/ .___ __ .__ .__ | | ____ _______/ |______ | | | | ___________ | |/ \ / ___/\ __\__ \ | | | | _/ __ \_ __ \ | | | \\___ \ | | / __ \| |_| |_\ ___/| | \/ |___|___| /____ > |__| (____ /____/____/\___ >__| \/ \/ \/ \/ v1.o developed for the xbox-linux project by Edgar "Gimli" Hueck Franz "Solder" Lehner Jeff "Kernel" Mears Michael "Papa" Steil Stefan "Exploit" Esser and Kermit the Frog --[ What is the MechInstaller? ]-------------------------------------- The MechInstaller is basically a combination of the MechAssault save- game exploit and the font loader dashboard exploit. Its whole purpose is to provide an easy way for everyone to permanently install Linux on their unmodded Xbox and at the same time it allows normal Xbox usage. --[ How Does I use it? ]---------------------------------------------- The MechInstaller consists of 3 savegames and the first step in using it is to get these files onto your Xbox. Their size is below 2MB which means that they will fit onto a standard Xbox memorycard. Because MechAssault does not support savegames on memorycards you have to copy the files onto your harddisk with the dashboard. Also ensure that you use the "updated" savegames if XBOX-LIVE has updated your MechAssault. Now boot the MechAssault game and choose the menu item "CAMPANGE". You will now see 3 additional MechAssault savegames with the names Install Linux will install the minilinux which comes with the MechInstaller. Follow the on screen instructions. TIP: after installation turn off the system for 10 seconds. Restore Dashboard will restore the modifications done by the Install Linux option. Again follow the on screen instructions. Emergency Linux will start the contained minilinux. Your first step should be to start it and write down your Xbox harddisk password. Therefore telnet into your Xbox (ip:, user: root, pass: xbox) and execute the command: xbox_tool -a You will need the output of this command if anything goes badly wrong. --[ What now? ]------------------------------------------------------- Once you have the MechInstaller installed you will notice that the XBOX-LIVE option has disappeared from your dashboard menu and that it is replaced with LINUX. When you choose this item the dashboard will execute the minilinux that was installed during the installation process unless it finds an installed Linux distribution which is compatible with the MechInstaller. For now this is only Ed's Debian. To install Ed's Debian on an unmodded box you simply have to burn it onto a DVD or CD-RW and insert it while you see your dashboard on screen. The MechInstaller will recognise it and let it boot. --[ Other usage? ]---------------------------------------------------- Playing games You can either boot games directly or from within the dashboard. At the time the games run there is no modification to the kernel so games should not be affected at all. Running Linux Disks Linux disks *should* be directly bootable on all systems, but if there are problems, try waiting until the dashboard has fully loaded. Playing audio CDs The usage of audio cds should not be affected at all. Simply insert the CD at boot time or later when you can see the dashboard. Playing video DVDs If you want to view a video DVD, do not boot with it in the drive. Insert it when the dashboard is fully loaded. You can then use your remote like normally. Copied games No support at all planned. The MechInstaller is heavily obfuscated to hinder anyone planning to add support for this. --[ Disclaimer ]------------------------------------------------------ THIS APPLICATION IS SUPPLIED "AS IS". THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. YOU USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. WE MAY NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY THIS APPLICATION. PLEASE BE WARNED THAT THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT YOU BREAK YOUR HARDWARE - IT'S YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY! --[ End ]------------------------------------------------------------- |