GENS Sega Genesis Emulator port for XBox v3 Put roms wherever you want (default dir is \SGENROMS ) What's New : - Reads *real* CDs (originals or CDRWs) - Less sensitive throttle - Remap throttle - Remap Left and Right trigger buttons - Support for placing teamplayer adaptor on port 2 (e.g Columns 3) - Possible improvement for PAL users (not sure though - cannot test) - Possible progressive scan support (also not sure - cannot test) Press RTHUMB from the main menu to bring up the CD-launching menu. Enjoy! Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD, FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens....what's next? -------------------------------------------- GENS Sega Genesis Emulator port for XBox v2 Put roms wherever you want (default dir is \SGENROMS ) What's New : - 4 Player support (At main menu, press LTHUMB, select Emulator Options, then toggle 4 player setting. Do not use this option on games that do not support 4-players because it will screw up the controls. If you start playing a game and you wonder why your controller isn't working, it's probably because you left 4-player mode on.) - Delete save files. At main menu, press LTHUMB, then select the option to delete the saved files of the currently selected game. - Fixed bug in cheat codes that would not let you enter addresses > 0x7FFF - Selectable CD emulation mode. Press A to start a game using the default CD mode (most compatible) or press the RTHUMB button to start a game using the alternate CD mode. - Visual description of current video mode when you switch it. - RANALOG Up/Down/Left/Right controls SFX/MP3 music volume during gameplay (This was actually in the last release, but not mentioned in the NFO.) Enjoy! Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD, FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens....what's next? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GENS Sega Genesis Emulator port for XBox v1 Put roms in \SGENROMS dir (or navigate to the directory via the menu) What's New : - Emulates Sega Genesis/Megadrive/32X/SegaCD/MegaCD - Full sound/video - No discernable sound problems - Save states - More accurate CD emulation (e.g. Popful Mail) - CUE sheet processing - CDDISSECT-friendly. Rip with CDDISSECT, upload to XBOX, run CUE - Multi-CD support - Directory navigation - Selectable 2xSai graphics filter - Redefinable buttons (saved for each game) - Throttle/Speed up by pressing Right Trigger - Force a specific country code if GENS cannot correctly guess - ZIP support - Cheat code searching - Font size/Screen size,position adjustable by pressing Left Thumb Stick - Play MP3s (Stop playback using BACK button) There were a lot of outstanding issues with the other port of Gens, so I decided to do a port myself. Additionally, this version has a whole lot of extra features. --------------------------------------------------------------- Better CD compatibility/CUE sheet processing/CDDISSECT friendly --------------------------------------------------------------- The other port could not emulate some Sega CD games (like Popful Mail), but mine does. Furthermore, I've improved (IMHO) the original CD track processing by allowing for the input of a CUE sheet. The original GENS source code calculates CD track lengths by making a best calculation of the length of the MP3 files. This, however, is not always accurate. If you have many MP3 tracks on a CD, the track offsets grow increasingly incorrect. Using a CDDISSECT-made CUE sheet results in 100% accuracy. (So I suggest you use it.) Additionally, this port of GENS is completely CDDISSECT friendly - meaning that you can pop a CD into your computer, run CDDISSECT, upload all the files (without renaming anything) and run the CUE sheet on XBox. If you run the CUE sheet, you do not need to rename the ISO file to remove the "01" at the end of the name. However, if you try to run the ISO file, it will not find the MP3 tracks (unless you first rename the ISO file to remove the "01".) If you have existing CD images on your XBox that worked with the other port of GENS, then they will also work with this one. -------------------- Directory navigation -------------------- Load your files from any directory on your XBOX at or below where the XBE file is placed. ----------------------------- No discernable sound problems ----------------------------- I'm using an NTSC Xbox, and I have yet to hear anything wrong with the sound. PAL users - if something sounds funky, I'd suggest first switching your XBox to 60hz mode. If that doesn't work, then try launching the game with one of the other country buttons (described below) ----------- Save States ----------- Use LTRIGGER+WHITE to load a state Use LTRIGGER+BLACK to save a state ---------------- Multi-CD Support ---------------- Some games are longer than 1 CD. When the game prompts you to enter the next CD, press the RTHUMB button to bring up the Options menu. Then press WHITE to select the next Sega CD image to load. -------------------------------- Selectable 2xSai graphics filter -------------------------------- All games start in 2xSai mode by default. To toggle 2xSai mode on/off, press the LTHUMB button. So far, every regular Genesis game I've played runs at solid 60 fps even with 2xSai mode on. Here are some stats on a couple of 32x games: Doom 32X - 2xSai mode : 42.0 FPS Normal mode : 59.9 FPS Mortal Kombat 2 - 2xSai mode : 37.7 FPS Normal mode : 59.9 FPS If the game seems to be dropping frames (and it bothers you), turn off 2xSai mode! ----------------------------------------- Redefinable buttons (saved for each game) ----------------------------------------- While playing a game, go to the Options menu by pressing RTHUMB button. Press X to bring up the Configuration menu and select Emulator Configuration. From here, you can redefine all of the Sega Genesis buttons. When done, go back to the game. When you exit the game by going back to the main menu, those button definitions will be saved for that game. The next time you load the game, your buttons will be reset to what you had before. ----------------- Throttle/Speed Up ----------------- Sometimes there are lengthy intros in some games that you cannot stop. Use the RTRIGGER button to speed things up and zoom by those annoying beginning screens. --------------------------- Force Specific Country Code --------------------------- Sometimes GENS does not correctly guess the country code of the game and you might see a "you cannot play this game on this machine" type message. If so, then use the following buttons to launch a game with the specified country code: A = Let Gens guess X = Force Japan B = Force USA BLACK = Force Europe WHITE = Force Other -------------------- Cheat Code searching -------------------- Just about every single port I've released has this feature, and I occasionally hear people asking "how does it work?" This is easiest to explain by example: First, start playing a game. While playing the game, go to the options menu by pressing RTHUMB button. Then press the BLACK button to "Start Search For Cheat Code". Now go back to the game and lose a life. Return to the options menu and press A to "Continue Cheat Search". This will bring up a menu where you can compare the last memory contents of the game with the current contents. In this example, you'll want to press Y to search for values less than last time. This is because when you started searching you had 1 more life than you do now. After you press Y you will see that the number of matches on the bottom of the screen decreased, but will probably still be a high number. Go back to the game, lose another life, and search for values less than last time again. The number will go down again. If you run out of lives, you can restart the game. Now your number of lives will be *greater* than it was the last time, so you'll want to search for values greater than last time on the "Continue Search" menu. Continue this process until the number is less than 10. At this point, you can add the codes to your list. Now go back to the options menu and select the option for viewing your cheat code list. Look for the code whose value seems to match the number of lives that you have and enable it. Go back to the game and you should now have infinite lives! Once you get the hang of it, it's really quite simple. --------------------------- Font Size/Screen Adjustment --------------------------- Press the LTHUMB button at the main menu to bring up the configuration menu. From this menu you can : change the text offset (to push menu text to the right) Change the position and size of the game screen Change the font size (either 12 or 16) Redefine the default button mappings. --------- Play MP3s --------- Launch an MP3 from the main menu by using the A button. Stop MP3 playback by pressing the BACK button at the main menu. -------------- Button Summary -------------- Main Menu: A - Play selected game - Gens guesses country B - Play selected game - Force USA X - Play selected game - Force Japan BLACK - Play selected game - Force Europe WHITE - Play selected game - Force Other UP/DOWN - Scroll through list of games line by line LEFT - Scroll up one page RIGHT - Scroll down one page LTRIGGER - Jump to the previous letter RTRIGGER - Jump to next letter Y - Show help screen BACK - Stop MP3 playback LTHUMB - Press to bring up configuration menu Reset Xbox by pressing START+BACK+LTRIGGER+RTRIGGER In Game: DPAD/LTHUMB - Movement A - User defined B - User defined X - User defined Y - User defined BLACK - User defined WHITE - User defined START - User defined BACK - User defined LTHUMB - Press to toggle 2xSai mode RTHUMB - Press to bring up options menu LTRIGGER+WHITE - Load State LTRIGGER+BLACK - Save State RTRIGGER - Throttle/Speed Up Enjoy! Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD, FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens....what's next? |