July 14 2003 Media X Menu 0.9n Please stop by the forums at Xbox-Scene.com to report any issues in the MXM forum. Tutorials located at: http://www.writersgallery.com/MXM/TUT Beta 0.9n * Fixed problem with "Bounce" modifier that caused the size to be screwed up for dynamic strings when they changed. * Implimented <SkinsPath> for <Main> node. Defaults to MXM path, but this will override the value and search will occur in the path specified in this element. * Implimented FTP SITE commands: SITE reboot SITE shutdown * Added <DuplicateOK> property to item entries. If True, it overrides check for duplicates. False has no effect. * Fixed some issues with the FTP Server, works with AceFTP 2 * Fixed XML "cooking" - use of escaped symbols ampersand, greater and less than. Tested with Toejam & Earl * Added "FlashID" Text String (smell anything burning?) * Added Screenshot capability!!!! RIGHT-TRIGGER and "X" will capture screen captures to Z:\\ * Added X:, Y:, and Z: to the FTP Served drives. * Added internal images: ::ICO_ACTION, ::ICO_DIR, ::ICO_DVD, ::ICO_EMU, ::ICO_FILE, ::ICO_HD, ::ICO_LOCK, ::ICO_MEDIA, ::ICO_MUSIC, ::ICO_WAVE, ::ICO_XBE * Internalized a master XML script that will hold internal skins, infoscreens and various other things. * Added masahiko's "Simplicity" skin to the internal skin list. * Skin Selection... not terribly stable, due to a number of factors, I am forcing a reboot after you select anything but "Random" - The changes go into MXM's "User" directory (U:\Pref.xml or E:\UDATA\00004321\Pref.xml) * Some Newsfeed capability... Add a Newsfeed node into the Config node of MXM.xml: <Config> : : <Newsfeed name="user"> <Global>True</Global> <RotateChannels>False</RotateChannels> <URL>http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/xbox-scene.xml</URL> <UpdateIntervalMin>28</UpdateIntervalMin> <RotateItemInterval>10</RotateItemInterval> </Newsfeed> : : </Config> Access it with a text source of "newsfeed" The user MUST have a proper DNS defined, otherwise, they have to use the dotted 'numeric' IP for the server. * Added status indicator to MatrixEffect screen (also entailed new, more complete font; as a consequence, the internal Matrix Font is usable now... lowercase alphas OK, uppercase are Matrix Symbols) * Added Oswald's "Uyenbox3" skin to the internal skin list. * Changed "Reboot" to full Power Cycle * Added "PowerCycle" to menu options (SITE command) * Added new attributes to AutoDir: "NoDemo" - If "True" will prevent AutoDir from including any searches into directories with 'demo' in name "DefaultOnly" - Prevents AutoDir from seeing anything but "default.xbe" files when searching for xbe files (This does not affect directories with MXM_Entry.xml files) * Corrected filetimes in FTP Server to LOCAL TIME!!!! * Fixed DateFormat bug. Added new formats for Time and Date: Time - 0=24 hour clock HH:MM:SS 1=12 hour clock HH:MM:SSxm with AM/PM indicator 2=24 hour clock HH:MM 3=12 hour clock HH:MMxm with AM/PM indicator Date - 0=American, MM/DD/YY 1=Euro1, YY/MM/DD 2=Euro2, DD/MM YY 3=Euro3, DD/MM/YY TimeSepChar and DateSepChar will replace the ":" and "/" respectively. * FINALLY! Fixed the issue with no-audio WMVs. It seems it WAS my fault after all. Well, not entirely... M$ is a bit lame on how the routine I was using worked; so after a bit of re-working, videos should work both with and without audio. * Fixed problem with Pref.xml not being saved, if you never ran MXM as an app (only dash) - the UDATA and TDATA directories were never created. This is now checked on startup and these directories are created. * OK, found the bug preventing Command Lines from working. Try again... * Finally! Alpha sorting! Current WIP is defaults to alpha sorting, it should cascade to all submenu levels. <Sortfield> tag in an item begins the sorting (you cannot next these) which continues until the end of the entries or an <EndSort> tag is encountered. * Alpha Sorting has been expanded to support up to three sort fields - just use additional <SortField> tags * Preferences menu has been beefed up. * Additional AutoConfig type added... "Apps & Games" set by the Preferences menu. * Fixed IR Remote operation in system menus * Fixed Random Soundtrack using a randomized index table (Shuffle play). * Fixed "pam" in time (She didn't need to be in there anyway...) * Fixed Video Standard String * Added <PasscodeMD5> tag to item entries... used INSTEAD OF <passcode> if additional security is desired. It's the MD5 hash of the 5 character alphanumeric uppercase passcode * Added ability to select video standard from preferences/local menu * "SAFE MODE" - if initialization fails on startup, rebooting should result in a safe mode menu. This is pretty straightforward from there. You can initiate "Safe Mode" by pressing "START" during initialization. * <videomode> tag in entry allows you to set NTSC or PAL, IF you set "Multi Standard" in TV Type Preference setting. * Added "SITE VIDEO PAL" and "SITE VIDEO NTSC" as recovery commands available using the FTP Server. These will set the video and reboot the Xbox. Use these if your display gets hosed completely (then heed the warnings!). * Added "No Music" option to safe mode choices * Reworked a couple things on the soundtrack manager * Work done on FTP Server. XBRenamer now works (Found bug in RETR code) * Fixed issue with FTP Server when moronic client attempts to create an existing directory (succeeds now) * Added "CGEntryValueDWORD" string source, to report values as 10 character, 8 digit, C-Style hex values (0x00000000) * Added "CGEntryMode" to report the desired video mode * Added <WordWrapEnable> and <WordWrapWidth> to Text Elements - scaling is based on this width (implied), and fonts are displayed proportionally. * Fixed "bug" that caused seeming random selection in the root menu (legacy from DVD Menu days) * Better "Game Info" screen. * Added "Simple Init" screen (See MXM_Patcher) * Added Color Selection, good for Matrix and Simple Init Screens (See MXM_Patcher) * DVD Compilations have several options to alter the behavior of the skins loader: Main::UsePrefSkin (Defaults to FALSE) If TRUE, uses setting in Preferences menu Main::RandomSkins (Defaults to FALSE) If TRUE, and in XDI/MenuX compatibility, allows randomizer to pick skin Main::DVDSkinsOnly (Defaults to TRUE) If TRUE, prevents usage of internal skins, forces skin searching to D:\ * NOTE: Renaming failures in FTP are due to open files in those directories!! I'll need to come up with something to work around this limitation. It is an unfortunate side affect of having a feature-rich skinning system :( * The USer's guide needs some work... expect updates soon on the MXM tutorials page |