  Version: (Beta 28)
  Date: December 4, 2023
  32-bit version
  FATXplorer remains a strong and actively maintained project more than 10 years after its initial release.
  Help test the 3.0 beta version - a complete rewrite that brings original Xbox device support, an upgraded mounting driver, expanded formatting tools, and many other improvements.
  More information about the beta: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/3-0-beta/
  Provide feedback on the beta by leaving a public comment on the above-linked page, or send your comments privately here: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/contact/
  System Requirements
  - Windows 7 SP1 or newer OS
  - .NET 7.0.0 or newer desktop runtime: https://aka.ms/dotnet/7.0/windowsdesktop-runtime-win-x86.exe
  Expiration notice: This beta version is FREE to use, but expires in 90 days and is not suitable for archiving/hosting on the Xbins FTP server. FATXplorer builds will be hosted on the Xbins FTP server once 3.0 exits beta.
  Release notes for this version are below in plain-text format. Release notes in HTML format for this version and previous versions are here: https://api.eaton-works.com/appreleasehistory/fatxplorer?mode=web&channel=beta
  - This release has an accompanying announcement post. Click here to view it: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/2023/12/04/fatxplorer-3-0-beta-28-new-licensing-system-now-implemented/
  - A new licensing system has been implemented and you can now enter your serial number/license key if you have one. See the announcement post for more details.
  - Added a check for Xbox 360 cache partitions to determine if they are FATX-formatted. If they are not, a message will be shown, and mounting will not proceed.
  - Driver updated to v22.0.8707. Fixed issue that could prevent mounting on slow computers (1-2 CPU cores). Driver updates may require a reboot.
  - The expiration date has changed to March 3, 2024.