INFO: This file will give you status from within the MAMEoX ROM list. The ROM line will change color based on StatusNumber in the XML. PLEASE DO NOT SEND UPDATES TO THE MAMEOX TEAM! We are -NOT- looking for updates to this file. Shortly, this file will be auto-generated from a public compatibility list which we ask you to help us update. (More info on this soon). You may update this list if you'd like, but please do not bother the MAMEoX team regarding the updates. If you wait a few days, the public web site will be up which will make things much easier. HOW TO USE: Put this file in your ./general subdir. That's it. GOTCHAS: Currently, this file is parsed each time the ROM Lister runs (yes, even when returning from a game). In a later update, MAMEoX will only parse this file upon a ROM refresh. |