  Version: (Beta 21 Hotfix)
  Date: July 4, 2022
  32-bit version
  FATXplorer remains a strong and actively maintained project more than 10 years after its initial release.
  Help test the 3.0 beta version - a complete rewrite that brings original Xbox device support, an upgraded mounting driver, expanded formatting tools, and many other improvements.
  More information about the beta: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/3-0-beta/
  Provide feedback on the beta by leaving a public comment on the above-linked page, or send your comments privately here: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/contact/
  System Requirements
  - Windows 7 SP1 or newer OS
  - .NET 6.0.2 or newer desktop runtime: https://aka.ms/dotnet/6.0/windowsdesktop-runtime-win-x86.exe
  Expiration notice: This beta version is FREE to use, but expires in 90 days and is not suitable for archiving/hosting on the Xbins FTP server. FATXplorer builds will be hosted on the Xbins FTP server once 3.0 exits beta.
  Release notes for this version are below in plain-text format. Release notes in HTML format for this version and previous versions are here: https://api.eaton-works.com/appreleasehistory/fatxplorer?mode=web&channel=beta
  Hotfix release notes:
  - Fixed issue where FATXplorer could not unlock disks with null characters in their model number or serial number fields. This also fixes an issue where FATXplorer could set an incorrect password, resulting in the Xbox showing an error on boot. If FATXplorer could not unlock your HDD before, please try again after updating.
  - Fixed error that would occur when preloading from drive roots.
  - The expiration date has changed to October 2, 2022.
  Original release notes:
  - This release has an accompanying announcement post. Click here to view it: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/2022/06/21/fatxplorer-3-0-beta-21-new-og-xbox-hdd-lock-unlock-tool-other-enhancements/
  - FATXplorer can finally lock and unlock OG Xbox HDDs! Use the new HDD Security Tools to manage the security status. Locked HDDs are now detected and you will be prompted to unlock before being able to load any partitions. See the announcement post for more details.
  - Removed Microsoft.AppCenter dependency, thereby removing 9 DLLs from the installation/download.
  - Increased visibility of selected text in text boxes.
  - Added a new time remaining estimate to the formatting tools progress bar, primarily to help with bigger preloads and clean formats.
  - Added new "Current Xbox Format" label to devices in the formatting tools. This will tell you if the device is already formatted for Xbox or Xbox 360.
  - At the request of team Cerbios, the default partition configuration when formatting disks for Cerbios has been updated. Instead of configuring 927.78 GB of space for partitions F, G and 8-14, space will now be split evenly between F and G. It is still possible to configure all partitions manually.
  - Fixed issue where the G partition on some Cerbios HDDs wasn't showing up as a mountable partition.
  - Fixed issue where devices without an interface type value (SD cards/readers) would not be detected.
  - Removed the "Unknown sector format" error. FATXplorer will now attempt to accommodate any sector size for its IO operations.
  - When selecting a preload zip or folder, all files will now be checked at that point instead of during the format process. This way you will have the opportunity to remove any problematic files, instead of having to restart the entire formatting process.
  - Added new note to the XL USB Apply Patches window regarding issue with select games.
  - When a partition is mounted, the device tile tooltip now includes the drive letter.
  - FATXplorer now reads the name.txt file on New Format Xbox 360 USBs and uses it as the device name (if it exists).
  - Removed the "Use Extra Memory" toggle when loading devices. A better solution has been implemented with the same performance and basically no extra memory usage.
  - The expiration date has changed to September 8, 2022.
  - Driver updated to v20.0.8181. A potential BSOD issue has been addressed. Driver updates may require a reboot.