  Version: (Beta 20 Refresh)
  Date: April 8, 2022
  32-bit version
  FATXplorer remains a strong and actively maintained project more than 10 years after its initial release.
  Help test the 3.0 beta version - a complete rewrite that brings original Xbox device support, an upgraded mounting driver, expanded formatting tools, and many other improvements.
  More information about the beta: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/3-0-beta/
  Provide feedback on the beta by leaving a public comment on the above-linked page, or send your comments privately here: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/contact/
  System Requirements
  - Windows 7 SP1 or newer OS
  - .NET 6.0.2 or newer desktop runtime: https://aka.ms/dotnet/6.0/windowsdesktop-runtime-win-x86.exe
  Expiration notice: This beta version is FREE to use, but expires in 90 days and is not suitable for archiving/hosting on the Xbins FTP server. FATXplorer builds will be hosted on the Xbins FTP server once 3.0 exits beta.
  Release notes for this version are below in plain-text format. Release notes in HTML format for this version and previous versions are here: https://api.eaton-works.com/appreleasehistory/fatxplorer?mode=web&channel=beta
  Refresh release notes:
  This is a refresh update for Beta 20 to quickly improve a few areas. Make sure to read the full Beta 20 release notes in the section below this one!
  - Improved the XL USB compatibility check.
  - Added a translate button to the Apply Patches window to increase accessibility for international users.
  - Miscellaneous small improvements to the formatting tools.
  - The expiration date has changed to July 7, 2022.
  Original release notes:
  - This release requires .NET 6.0.2 or newer.* Make sure your .NET 6 version is up to date before you update FATXplorer. Windows Update can automatically keep your .NET 6 version up to date if you have "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" enabled in your Windows Update settings. Direct, updated .NET 6 installer download links are below for your convenience:
  -- 64-bit: https://aka.ms/dotnet/6.0/windowsdesktop-runtime-win-x64.exe
  -- 32-bit: https://aka.ms/dotnet/6.0/windowsdesktop-runtime-win-x86.exe
  - This release has an accompanying announcement post. Click here to view it: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/2022/04/06/fatxplorer-3-0-beta-20---16-tb-xbox-360-usb-support--increased-usb-performance-titan-support/
  - XL (16 TB) USB support for Xbox 360 has arrived. See the announcement post for details.
  - A variety of improvements were made to further reduce chances of running into "Access to the path is denied" errors in both formatting and mounting.
  - Fixed issue where changing the Windows app color mode would cause the skin palette selection to show incorrect selections.
  - Fixed issue where the Formatting Tools window would not correctly be on top.
  - Fixed issue where partitions from other device types were not being deleted when formatting.
  - Updated the SmartMonTools utility to the latest version (v7.3).
  - Added 10 second timeout when loading disk advanced information so FATXplorer can recover if SmartMonTools fails to work correctly.
  - Added support for formatting and mounting Titan partitions.**
  - The sectors per cluster validation check has been relaxed. Now any sectors per cluster value greater than 0 and a power of 2 is considered valid. This change improves compatibility with Cerbios and Titan partitions, and allows for further experimentation.
  - After mounting, clicking the device tile has a new option in addition to Unmount and Cancel: Open Drive Letter, which will open the root of the drive for you.
  - Added support for devices that have an 8K physical sector size.
  - Cluster size is now displayed in KB instead of bytes when customizing partitions in the Formatting Tools.
  - When formatting Cerbios partitions, larger cluster sizes are now available.***
  - When formatting Cerbios partitions, it is now possible to set partition sizes larger than 1 TB.
  - Relaxed the cluster size check on Cerbios disks - it is now possible to choose smaller cluster sizes since Cerbios has fixed data corruption issues.
  - It is no longer possible to customize the cluster size of Data Partition E on OG Xbox HDDs. 16 KB is the only supported cluster size (the Xbox requires this exact size).
  - Added back the 524288 / 512 KB (128 sectors per cluster) cluster size to OG Xbox MU formatting. This size is not too big/incompatible after all. If you choose this cluster size, you can store up to 8192 items in a single folder.
  - Fixed "Invalid sectors per cluster" error that occurred when formatting an Xbox 360 HDD without the Backwards Compatibility Partition.
  - Added support for more than 4096 items in a single folder (when cluster size permits).
  - Optimized memory usage in operations reading or writing large amounts of data, and in some cases increased performance (device loading, formatting, preloading, wiping).
  - Removed the --no-directx command line option. It should no longer be necessary.
  - OS disks are now skipped during device detection. In addition, the Formatting Tools will no longer list these disks. This will help reduce the chances of choosing the wrong disk when formatting.
  - Fixed scaling that broke in a previous release.
  - The expiration date has changed to July 5, 2022.
  - Driver updated to v20.0.8125. This update adds larger cluster size support. Driver updates may require a reboot.
  * This .NET 6 update is a one-time requirement due to a Microsoft bug in .NET 6: https://github.com/dotnet/winforms/issues/6663
  ** Only Titan v1.1.0 (https://github.com/gaasedelen/titan/releases/tag/v1.1.0) (or newer) is supported. FATXplorer is not able to correctly mount Extra Data Partition F on disks formatted for older versions of Titan, and an Extra Data Partition F formatted with FATXplorer will not work with older versions of Titan. See this GitHub issue for more details: https://github.com/gaasedelen/titan/issues/6
  *** Partitions formatted with a cluster size larger than 64 KB will only work on a Cerbios release newer than v1.02.