!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't use this tool if you have no way to recover from a bad flash! I have tested it, but not every possible BIOS patch. A bogus profile entry will either cause the patcher to fail, or hose the BIOS file. Use this software at your own risk. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Paul Bartholomew for xbflash, to superfro for his BIOS mods, and to k3rn3l and MomDad for ideas, info and support. Thanks to SantMat for his ultra-smooth no-animation patch. Without these people, XBtool would, at best, be much less functional than it is, and, at worst, nonexistent. ============================================================ Extracts, compiles, and patches XBOX BIOS/kernel files. You'll need to supply your own RC4 key for older BIOSes. If you are working with a BIOS which works with both the old xbox and the "1.1" xbox then you don't need an RC4 key. I have included profiles for the basic X2 4974 Multiver BIOS, and EvolutionX D.6. More will be added later. The DVD checkbox is used to disable the DVD check so that the Xbox will boot with no DVD drive installed. This might be useful if your DVD drive is dead. The x logo checkbox is used to disable the big 'X' logo. Unchecking this automatically disables animation, otherwise you get a blank screen but still hear the animation sounds. When the logo is off, don't panic when the screen remains black for a few seconds after booting. This is normal. The splash logo is that little graphic that fades in right before the dash appears. =========================================================== About the Boot Options X2 BIOSes have 3 partions options. It'll try to boot the top one first and then go on to the next one if the dash isn't found on that partition. The same goes for the names. The first to dash names can be 12 characters, including the extension (don't forget the extension!). The third is 10 characters. Evox is the same but with two partition choices. The second dash name can be 18 characters long. I tested using a backslash in the name on an evox dash and was able to boot a dashboard in a subfolder. I haven't tested this on an X2 BIOS, but I assume it will work. I may add an option to changed the default.xbe name for booting DVDs, but the dialog is kind of full right now so if that's not something people are clamoring for I'd prefer to leave as it is for now. (You can still hex that if you really must have it.) =========================================================== This is a beta. Expect bugs. If you don't like bug then don't use beta software. The ini files are probably not very fault tolerant at this stage. Things to do: -Preview -More boot partition options. -Better documentation. -Lots of code clean up and error control/notification. -Release the source code (after final 1.0 version release) ========================================================== History: 0.9.9 -- Fix: Bug in new LED patch code. 0.9.8 -- -Scale the X. -Reworked patch code somewhat so that it will be easier to understand when the source code is released. -Fix: dash boot order was wrong (thanks KanandaKid). -Fix: Default color for the lip was wrong (thanks Morglum). -Fix: not loading LED presets (thanks MomDad). 0.9.7 -- -Added option to change the DVD default xbe filename. -You can now use 14 characters in the first two dashboard names in X2 BIOSes. -Patch code tweaks. -Fix: temp files not deleted on click close box instead of quit button. 0.9.6 -- -Enhanced boot options allow separate choice of partions and dashboard names. Up to 3 of each. Dashboard in a subfolder works. -Presets changed slightly. DVD check and boot options not saved. Not much point really, and it's better not to have those things change when you probably just wanted to change colors. (If everyone thinks I'm wrong on this I'll fix it). -File path finder changes should help on wide character set systems where config files weren't opening properly. (Thanks Myria.) 0.9.5 -- -Some people seemed to be having trouble with the archive on the prior release, so maybe this one will work better. -Added filesize button. Now files can be resized without having to be modified--saving a file with the Save button always modifies colors slightly due to rounding errors. Plus it's quicker and works with any BIOS. -Bugfix: LED timings reversed. -- -Important Bugfix in all but 4977 patcher. Don't use 0.9.4+ on anything but 4977 ( and up okay.) Sorry, it's hard to keep supporting so many older BIOSes. -- -Bugfix: LED saving codes wrong (e.g. choosing orange resulted in blinking green). -Sorry. I really really really meant to not release another version for a couple of days (at least). -uses a tmp directory for working files -temp files deleted on exit. 0.9.4 -- -Flashing LED options. (Annoying, but some people like to be annoyed--who am I to argue?) -Due to the new LED options the way the LED preset data is stored has changed. Rather than support another format, 0.9.4 simply loads the preset as is. I could have coded around this, but it's harmless. After loading an older preset you'll just have to set the LEDs manually (then you can save it again to fix it). -Some minor reworking of the patcher code. -Fix: commented out code writing out an MD5.txt file 0.9.3 -- -Replaced RC4 popup with BIOS type popup (better suited for handling MS debug BIOSes). RC4.ini no longer used. -Xbtool.ini no longer used. Config files go in the Config folder and are selectable from the BIOS type popup. -Should work with "boot from media 4977" using the correct config file (not tested but looks good in the hex editor). -Misc. internal reworkings. 0.9.2 -- -Can now extract debug BIOSes. -Bugfix: DVD check option enabling on preset load (thanks Arcann) 0.9 -- -Completely rewrote the patch engine. -Completely rewrote the BIOS recognition routines. -Profiles no longer needed (due to the changes mentioned above) -Removed the function for manually choosing the base BIOS type (no longer needed as per above). -Fixed what was probably a long standing bug in the 4975 patch profile (I never was able to test 4975 because it hung my machine). -Fixed broken terminology. What was the lip spot color is now correctly (I think) termed the lip color. What was the lip color is now termed the lip highlights. I think it's a more accurate terminolgy. (Preset files not affected by the change.) 0.8.52 -- -Yet another preset bug. (Thanks MomDad) 0.8.51 -- -Bugfix: version 1 presets weren't being read properly. 0.8.50 -- -SantMat's power LED color patches. -Base profile types wrapped into the exe. -Added menu command to allow manual choice of the base profile type for an unknown BIOS. -Bug fix: RC4Processing was broken. -Bugfix: BIOS extraction was broken. -Bugfix: display bugs. -Major internal code overhaul. (Watch out for bugs!) -Warning: LED color patches not fully tested on all supported BIOS types. -Warning! I'm too tired/lazy to test all possible options and BIOS types so don't flash if you can't fix it! 0.8.27 -- -Bad news: the preset format changed. I didn't plan to make another release so soon, but I figured since the preset format changed and people will lose their old presets, sooner was better than later. -Preset format changed. I really didn't want to do it, but it was needed for a bug that could cause problems later. Sorry, but that's beta for you. I hope the formats for presets and profiles won't change again, but no guarantees. I've provisioned for backward compatiblity for non buggy formats. -Delete preset button. -Fixed BIOS MD5 to match Evox (I broke it somewhere along the line) -Much code cleanup. I may be able to do a 1.0 final soon and release the source. 0.8.25 -- -Presets (stored in individual files so they can be exchanged with other users). 0.8.20 -- -Profiles in individual files. -Saves profile when BIOS is saved. -Profile saving allows modded BIOS files to be loaded. -Reads BIOS features from the kernel. -DVD check checkbox disabled on x2 BIOS's (It's always disabled). 0.8.11 -- -Added back the no splash logo patch which I (wrongly) thought didn't work. (thanks MomDad) 0.8.10 -- -SantMat's no logo patch. -SantMat's no dvd drive check patch. -Color pickers for full control of the two inner X colors. -Fixed: bug in profiles.ini made the TM symbol off when the option was checked. -- -Protection from patching an unknown BIOS. 0.8.9 -- -New, totally silent noani patch 0.8.8 -- -Color picker for lip spotlight. -Two-color X logo system. 0.8.7 -- -fixed multimonitor issue with the color popup -text error in the color popup 0.8.6 -- -Color picker for X edge -Purple option -Automatically sets appropriate edge and "XBOX" colors when a color radio button is clicked, so you don't have to go through the color pickers if you just want a matching motif (you can then change these if you like). -Profiles.ini changed again. I didn't have time to do a D.6 profile, due to the many changes in the way the profiles.ini works. -Various internal reworkings. 0.8.5 -- -Color picker for setting the color of the word XBOX 0.8.4 -- -Better error messages -Fixed Profiles.ini for D.6 0.8.2 -- -BIOS sizing. -Separate settings for X logo color and XBOX color. -Changed Profiles.ini for seperate color patching. -Lots of internal reworkings (possibly added bugs). -Fixed bug where .bin was being added to bios files even when they already had a .bin extension. 0.8 -- -MD5 for ID of BIOS files and kernel versions. -Patches BIOS if a BIOS profile is available. -Patching of for color/animation/logo/boot-drive. -User editable profiles in "Profiles.ini" allows for support of any BIOS. -RC4.ini allow up to 9 users supplied RC4 keys. -Copy MD5 to clipboard. -Numerous other internel changed. 0.2 -- -Initial release. ------------------------------------------------------------- The flash packing/unpacking code is based on Paul Bartholomew's xbflash util. ------------------------------------------------------------- -NghtShd |