\___________ _________ _______________ ___________/ \\\ \/ \ /// \\/ _ \ \ \// / /____/ ______/ \ / \ /__ \ \ ____ /___ / \ \ / \____ ____ \ ///__\ \ _____/ __// \ / \_____________\____\_///||\\\__________/________/ __________________________/ \__________________________ ___/ - RESET GLITCH LOADER-dev 0v295 - \___ ________ #RGLoader @ EFnet ________ _____ // \_________________/ \\ _______ \________________| RELEASE NOTES |________________/ ***THIS IS A BETA RELEASE, NOT EVEN THE NFO IS FINISHED YET*** We had to issue another release to fix a dumb mistake with falcon rgh1, so we thought it would be a good idea to throw some new features in to make it worth updating :). There has been another dynamic patch added that gives a pretty great boot speed increase (4-5 seconds faster). On a falcon jtag it measured 8 seconds to bootanim in minimal mode, and 9.5 seconds in full mode. We have added a library (RGLoader.xex) that runs after the kernel has been initialized and patches xam and other things. We will be adding more features to this later, but copy the RGLoader.ini to the root of your hard drive to check out some new features. -USB Fat32 drives show up in xbox neighborhood and you can launch games/xex from them. (this means you can flash the image on, boot into minimal, and load the hdd files off a flash drive and copy them to the hard drive) -Xbox Live DNS blocking -Configurable default dashboard MAKE SURE YOU UPDATE YOUR HDD FILESYSTEM FOLDER! ---------------------------- WARNING: There is a problem with some slims not running in minimal mode (NAND only mode). This means it is critical for you to have a hdd and your files setup correctly. You will get E79 if you have this problem. ---------------------------- Compatibility: Motherboard -Xenon Jtag -Zephyr Jtag/RGH1/RGH2 -Falcon Jtag/RGH1/RGH2 -Jasper Jtag/RGH1/RGH2 -Trinity RGH (minimal mode may not work) NAND -16MB -64MB ================Flexible Systemroot Patches===================== (hard drive free installs!) We have added a new feature to replace the E90 error that gets thrown when the hard drive is missing or files have been misnamed. If any errors occur during its attempt to remap systemroot to the hard drive (wrong folder name, hdd unplugged, etc..) it will boot into minimal NAND only mode where the devkit launcher dashboard will still boot. This means that a hard drive is not neccesary to run RGLoader! This also means that you can just flash the image on and use minimal mode to copy and setup the hard drive files for the full installation using xbox neighborhood. It is not recommended to use the minimal mode, but it does work. ================================================================ =====================JTAG BETA RELEASE========================== We are now beta testing xenon and hdmi jtags! When building a jtag image, it is best to supply an already jtagged NAND. This way any customizations to your SMC will be kept and also if your crc does not match it will not matter. (this will not be neccesary in final release) NOTE: When an already patched SMC is supplied, the builder will say (unable to patch). Just ignore this. XELL HAS BEEN ADDED TO JTAG IMAGES! :) ================================================================ =====================DUMMY KV Generation======================== To protect you from getting your keyvaults banned, we have added an option to options.ini for creating a temporary dummy KV. This sometimes introduces a lag when going to the dashboard and some xex caused by the xbox live connection timeout. If this annoys you, just disable it in options.ini and we will get it fixed soon. ================================================================ RGH2 Support has been added! Big thanks to Team-Xecuter for their research and work. Dynamic patches have been added! Use options.ini to configure extra patches like NOFCRT or NOMU. Big thanks to team-xecuter & xconsoles for donating a xenon jtag! Would not have been possible without this. This builder still does not support big block jaspers. I know this sucks for a lot of jtags, so we will try to get this out ASAP. ---Things to come--- Jtag patch compiling at build Big block support. hvxbootOS much more... ________________________________________ ________/ / \ \_____________________ / - | RGLoader Runtime Patcher | - \ Features ----------------- Adds extra patches for xam or any other exe/dll in memory. Gives more runtime access and control on patches. Loads rgloader.ini from the hard drive root and also flash drive root. Block_Live_Dns = Blocks xbox live DNS so you can't "phone home" Map_USB_Mass = Makes all usb devices show up in xbox neighborhood Default_Dashboard = Sets the default dashboard Usage ----------------- Configure and place rgloader.ini onto the root of your hard drive (Partition 1), or usb thumb drive. Reboot. _____________________ _________________/ / \ \_____________________ / - | USAGE | - \ AS OF 0v99 YOU NEED TO PROVIDE THE FILESYSTEM FILES -- Download a filesystem package and extract it into the same folder as this builder (merging filesystems and loaders) Slims require fcrt.bin to play retail DVDs. ----------------------------------------------------- You will need .NET Framework 4 installed. May work with Mono. Create a folder 'Filesystems' (don't forget the 's') on the xbox hard drive. (This is where you will store the devkit system files since they won't all fit on a 16MB retail NAND.) Copy the devkit files to a folder '14699-dev' (or 14719-dev for ver.14719) inside of 'Filesystems' on the HDD. ie: hdd:/Filesystems/14699-dev Put your nand next to the builder and name it "nand.bin". Open the RGBuild Launcher and type in your CPU_Key and select your build options. Click "RGBuilder" button to start the process. Output will be next to this file named: Image._____.bin ----------- Prototype NAND Image Editor ----------- Click "RGLoader" button in the launcher, or run rgbuild.exe /ui to open the rgbuild UI, which is a prototype NAND image editor similar to 360 flash tool. The GUI is still very beta, but should be very functional now. Please reports bugs to #rgloader! _______ ________________ _______ // \_______\ /_______/ \\ \_____________________|- Known Bugs -|________________________/ -Occasionally slims/trinitys will freeze or reboot on the first boot attempt after a reflash. This usually only happens the first time, if ever. -Slims require fcrt for retail dvds to run. _______ _______________ _______ // \_______\ /_______/ \\ \_____________________|- Changelog -|_________________________/ 0v295 -Fixed falcon rgh1 issue in 0v290 -Added kernel side patch loader -Added INI: hdd1:\RGLoader.ini -Block live dns option -Add USB drives to xbox neighborhood (thanks Natelx!) -Assign default dashboard -Fixed dummy KV induced sign on lag -MUCH Faster boot speeds (by 4-5 seconds! 9.5 second jtag load) 0v290 -Fixed RGH2 -Added flexible systemroot patches! (no hdd needed!) -Added xell to jtag images -Fixed ini problems -Slightly faster phat boot times 0v280 -Fixed slim CBB pairing data issue -Added dynamic patches, check out options.ini [Patches] -Prettied up patch code (thanks for macros.S cOz!) -New GUI Update via m0j0j0_j0 -Systemroot patches are now optional (dynamic) -Added custom error code e90! (hdd filesystem failure) -Fixed HDMI jtags -Added RGH2 support! (thanks Team Xecuter) 0v260 -Added better error handling on patch compiling -MUCH faster compile times -Added GUI launcher :D (thanks m0j0j0_j0!) -GUI Launcher settings save to options.ini -Xenon jtag 14719 fixed 0v255 -Fixed 14719 dash issue -Fixed 14719 retail xex issue -Fixed KV editing in GUI -Added dummy KV generating (thanks cOz!) -Added option to generate KV in options.ini -Patched xbdm to always be dev, instead of xbdm.ini (thanks Natelx!) 0v240 -Integrated bat files into rgbuild.exe -Fixed jasper issue -Added options.ini -Lots of changes to builder, mostly internal -Missing filesystem files will now be ignored (dae, fcrt, etc..) -Changed selection menu -Auto detects console using smc (thanks cOz!) -Fixed CF/CG bug (can now use them in GUI) -Support for JTAG images :D -Changed selection menu layout -Builder now ignores missing filesystem files instead of locking up -Added 14719 -Support for trinity 14719 source images -Updated xell binary to v0.991 -Added icons to builder (thanks m0j0j0_j0!) -Fixed xell binary size issue -Added option for compiling phat CD to options.ini -Fixed issue with KV editing not saving 0v170 -Added KV editing to the GUI -Xell dual boot (xell-gggggg.bin) -Bad block support -Added font files to nand image to fix fsd (thanks cOz) -No need to run image through nandpro anymore -More error handling, builder doesn't say successful build every time 0v100 -Added 14699 patches -Moved files location on hdd -Slims show up as dev kit on 14699 without xbdm.ini or modded xbdm.xex -Retail disc support on slims -Added neededfiles.txt to the folders _______ _______________ _______ // \_______\ /_______/ \\ \_____________________|- GREETINGS -|_________________________/ RGLoader was started from the foundations left by others. We hold no claim to researching everything used in rgloader. It's thanks to the work of the amazing people below that we got anywhere: tmbinc, almost every 360 tool owes you for your initial work. although we may be -FAR- away from your intended goals, we'd still like to thank you for your amazing work and the example you set for a good reverse engineerer. The 360 Flash Tool team, thanks for your amazing tool which has helped many people, many times over. My only gripe is that it's not open, maybe one day. GliGli, Tiros, and co., I'm sure anybody with a glitched console should know the work you all put in. I hope recent releases won't deter you from continuing to contribute to the scene with your work. Tuxuser, Cancerous, sk1080, and Juvenal for their work on open source, legal homebrew. Big thanks to cOz for tips and hints and for the work he has contributed to the scene. jsjar for graphics and dash skin. m0j0j0_j0 for RGLauncher skin and icons. Thanks to Tortuga Cove for providing news updates and hosting services. GliGli, Tiros, cOz, and co. IceKiller Team-Xecuter TeamFSD Freeboot/ggbuild/xebuild team Natelx ---------------------------------------------------- #RGLoader-dev Group tydye81 stoker25 Deathlok RF1911 spandaman Juggahax0r Evil0ne XDK Mustache iCEQB m0j0j0_j0 ---------------------------------------------------- Testers/Helpers/#RGLoader regulars Ameel Grim187 Rumblpak iLLNESS ddxcb Xumpy Gadorach no1b4me Mycah Alter PizzaG (many more to add) __________________________________________________________ _/__________________________________________________________\_ // "don't worry, about a thing..." \_nfo: iCEQB_\ |