Myx-Lite 1.0 by StrongBad [July 1, 2003] What is Myx-Lite? Extremely stripped-down version of Myxomatosis for a very basic XML auto-directory menu authoring solution for Media X Menu .9m or later Features: *Support for 3 MXM auto-directory menu items *XML monitor to view changes to XML in realtime and learn how XML works *XML verify to test the validity of a Myx-Lite generated XML file *Saves to menu.xml file with time-stamping *Small application filesize = 79kb [packed] Who is Myx-Lite for? First-time MXM users who wish to get a hassle-free auto-directory menu up and running quickly and possess zero XML knowledge. Before using Myx-Lite: The .NET Framework 1.1 is REQUIRED for Myx-Lite to function. Without the framework, you will probably get an error simliar to this: "Myx-Lite.exe - Application Error The application failed to initialize properly (oxc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application." Need the .NET Framework 1.1? It's free: -------------------------- Instructions for Myx-Lite: -What is 'auto-directory'? It is MXM's way of automagically searching the given path to display all valid XBE executables. The most common way to use this is to designate paths for different categories of XBEs on your Xbox. When Myx-Lite is executed, the default configuration is shown. This consists of three categories: Games, Emus, and Apps. Each category has it's own auto-directory path for MXM to search. If you wish to change the categories, you can do so using the respective fields on the left side of Myx-Lite. Your menu when you start MXM will display the titles that you have implemented. Clicking on each of these will bring you to the MXM search results for that path. So if you clicked on the Games title, you will get a list of all the games in that path. -Observe the read-only XML monitor when you make your changes to learn about XML syntax and how an MXM menu structure is configured. -Click the Verify button to test the validity of your XML using the IE engine. Your XML, because it is an untampered Myx-Lite file, is pretty much guaranteed to be valid. This feature, however, was implemented to show new users and XML newbies that any XML file can be validated with Internet Explorer. So if you choose to expand a Myx-Lite generated XML file further on your own to add more menu items, always use IE to validate the file before uploading. Validating an XML before Xbox upload does not ensure that MXM will display your menu correctly, but should problems arise, you can be sure XML validity isn't an issue. -Build the XML file and upload to Xbox to use. If your menu has errors, here's some help: Note the MXM load process [from User's Guide]: "MXM searches for entries in the MXM.xml file, and finding no valid entries, will then attempt to load a menu.xml file. As a last attempt, MXM will search, and organize subdirectories into submenus, all items on E:\ and F:\, then set up a subdirectory based on the dashboard files it finds on C:\" We know your MXM menu XML is valid, but you still don't see the menu that you expect to see. Well, what DO you see? From the excerpt above, if you only see E and F drives or only see one or two but not all of your menu items, it is possible that you have invalid entries. Invalid entries are XML-valid but not link-valid in your Xbox. You could be pointing to an invalid directory or a file that does not exist. Refer to the User's Guide to use the <RemoveInvalid> tag to troubleshoot your menu. This will display all items in your menu.xml file regardless of their entry validity. You can then scroll through each and determine the error. -Refer to BJ's MXM User's Guide for detailed information on menu parameters. -If you need more than three menu categories, open your Myx-Lite generated file in any text editor. Use the existing XML as a template to cut and paste additional categories and designate the titles and paths. Don't forget to validate with IE before uploading. -------------------------- Btw, have you tried the Devoid 1b or Generator V2 skins for MXM? Need MXM Help? Try the MXM forums: |