XBtool Color BIOS Preset Maker 1.0b (first release) With this little utility you can now finally SEE what your color mods will look like without having to blindly go through the pain of flashing just to see if it looks cool or looks like shit :) The presets generated are for use only with XBtool, and must be placed in the "Presets" dir to be applied to the BIOS of your choice. XBtool Color BIOS Preset Maker requires an active Internet connection in order to deliver your generated preset files. In future versions, you will be prompted before saving if you wish to add your preset file to an online database of presets hosted by AllXBoxSkins.com. A preview thumbnail of your BIOS colors will automatically be generated and added to AXS if you choose to share it with others. Comes in both Windows and Mac flavors for your OS of preference. XBtool can be downloaded from http://home.alltel.net/nghtshd/xbtool.html Enjoy! MomDad @ #xbins-chat EFNet |