WinUAEX Amiga Emulator port for XBox v18 goto for latest cheats, rumbles, synopsis and skin updates. ************************* *** To Do For WinuaeX *** ************************* - Eh? ******************************* *** Changes To Winuaex Core *** ******************************* * Given the full "Madmab Edition" treatment. Sorry no mp3 music yet. :( * New dual-preview skin to support Ressurection Xtra's. Say thank you to Gilou9999 for the skin. * Dynamic Dual Preview Demotivator skin by Waal included (SD only) * memory leak when using HDF files has now been plugged! This sucker put a severe cramp in getting the Xtra's out. * playback/record option has been axed. This saves about 512k and besides it never worked to well with keyboard based emu's anyways.. :P * If the file selected is (or contains) a file with the extension .whd the emulator will mount that file to DH1: and set DH0: to point to D:\\_whdload.hdf. So two things... make sure your WHD files have a .whd extension. Make sure the _whdload.hdf file is in the emulator directory (unzipped). (Keep an eye out for a WHD set from Wall based on Killer Gorilla's WHD sets). * Set JIT to always default to 0. For now I'm still letting people manually change it if they wish. For those AmigaSys fans out there. * Tweaked the "Clip Excess Video Borders" code. So far in the several games I tested it seems to do better than the original way. Although it isn't always 100% right. * Changed the code so that drive DF0: would ALWAYS be enabled. I figured no biggy cause for the most part it makes sense to always have DF0: enabled anyways. This fixes the DF0:??? error. * Auto config database added for around 2186 Amiga disk based games. Say "Thank You Waal".. :D * Auto config DB entries added for (target 902) Amiga whd based games. Say "Thank you again Waal".. :D * Preset controller settings added. Currently there are 4. "Standard Joystick", "Standard Mouse", "Pinball", "Keyboard". Say "We are not worthy Waal!!" * Preset controller settings can be saved under any name so you can share your game specific settings with other uses. * Preset controller settings can be "tied" to a game so that if you change the master "ini" file all games "tied" to it will use it. Or you can just individually set them for a game. * "in game" menu options "Insert Disk for Drives 1-4, and Swap Disks" are now in one menu. The "create HD/SD/HDF image options" are in a seperate menu as well. To help reduce clutter. * Fixed an issue where if the configuration had drives loaded with an .adf file "across the network" they would not remount properly. * Bumped up the stack space a little to reduce lock-ups. * Emulator always remembers which disks are loaded on the drives on initial set-up. That way if you do change/rotate disks during gameplay it wont foobar startup when you go to play the game again. Save states always remember the currently loaded drives anyways. If you want to change the "initial set-up" just reconfigure the game (start by pressing X). * Emulator always asks for disk to load in Drive 0 if a multifile zip is selected. That way you can store things like trainers and megatrainers in the same zip. * Given the full "Madmab Edition" treatment. Sorry no mp3 music yet. :( * New dual-preview skin to support Ressurection Xtra's. Say thank you to Gilou9999 for the skin. ------------------------------------------------------ New SAMBA code from XBMC (See readme for more details) ------------------------------------------------------ ******************************************** **** Carryovers from Atarixlbox **** ******************************************** A gazillion changes carried over from Atarixlbox. Read the Latest-Snes9x.txt file. *********************************************************************************************** *** "Auto Game Configurations (aka Configuration defaults) for select emulators *** *********************************************************************************************** In the "General settings" menu there will be a new option. "Automatically Use Default Game Configuration - Yes/No" If the user sets it to "Yes" it will bring up the game configuration screen and let the user define the default (if no default.stg and default.key file exists). In the "Configuration" menu there will be a new option... "Set default game configuration" The user can go in anytime thru the "Configuration" menu to change these "defaults" to something else if they wish. Once set to "Automatically use Default Game Configuration" the user will not see the game configuration screen again unless they... a) press X when selecting a game. Change "Use Default Game Configuration" back to "No". Keep in mind when it is set to "Yes" the game will use your "Default game settings" and not the normal x-port behavior. If set to "No" the emulator will behave like it usually does. Each emu is typically different. But all, at the very least carry the controller settings over. This feature will only be added to emulators in which it is feasible to use. |