------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Whats New? 04.15.2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.8 - New world match type and world editor (prototype) with working screenshots * Stages, paths, bridges, lots of the stuff from SMB3 * Item menu system with new types of multiplayer style items like change controls, score multipliers and stage resurection * Moving stages in the form of hammer brothers and tanks * Bonus houses to visit and a pipe minigame to play * Doors/keys and warp pipes * New pipe minigame - Added suicide timer so players that sit still for too long will countdown and die - New enemies: spiny, buzzy beetle, paragoomba and parakoopas to stomp - New powerups: freeze wand, podobo, bomb, tanooki, leaf and pwings powerups - New map hazards added: flame cannon, bullet bills, pirhana plants, fireball strings, and rotodiscs - New map items: Springs, Spikes and Kuribo's Shoe! - New modes: Greed, Collection, Health and Phanto - Added hidden blocks option to note blocks, powerup blocks, flip blocks - Added ability to search map field for more than just a single character by typing multiple chars - Added glide option to chicken in chicken mode (unlimited leaf powerup for player that is the chicken) - Added new jail key item to jail mode - Added exploding eggs option to Yoshi's eggs mode - Added center flag option to capture the flag mode - Added 3 new map filters for item destroyable blocks, hidden blocks, and map hazards - Added push only kills option to timed and frag modes (sumo mode) - Added two new types of platform paths -> continuous path and ellipse path - Updated straight paths to allow the path to be at any angle, not just vertical and horizontal - Added team specific spawn areas - Added new options to yoshi's eggs mode to allow for 4 different colors of yoshis and eggs - Added warp lock options - enterance only, exit only, both, whole connection, all warps - Added kill credits for pushing other players into hazards - Added mode specific extra time powerup for time limit and star modes - Level editor can now specify where flag bases and race goals will start in a map - Updated bonus wheel - only 10 bonuses are displayed and the player can choose when to stop the spinner - Added 11 new tile types: Including right and left death tiles, ice solid on top, ice + death and super death tiles - Added weapon destroyable blocks that can only be destroyed by that weapon - i.e. fireball breakable blocks, hammer breakable blocks, etc. - Added fish, snow, leaves, rain and bubble eyecandy availalbe in 3 different layers - Flipped over shells when hit with POW, MOd, spin attack or bounced from below - Red and Gray throwable blocks (bounce and keep going when they hit a player/enemy) - New spin move for tail and cape powerups - Allow powerup weights to be specified in the map and added options to use weights from game, map or an average of both - Added two alternate modes to jail "Owned" and "Free for All". Named the 1.7 jail mode to "Classic" - New animated tileset that gives you complete control over animated tiles in multiple layers - New tail powerup that can spin attack and allow the player to float down slowly - Added super stomp move to kuribo's shoe and tanooki statue - New "poof" gfx for transforming player into different forms - Expanded tilesets - allows player to use any number of customized tileset inside the game (ships with SMB1, SMB2, SMB3 and SMWorld) - New blue and orange note blocks - Removed dependency on tileset.tls -> this file is now only used for default tile types assigned in the level editor - Added ability to jump off of falling donut blocks - Added mode settings to tours -> all mode settings are now settable using the tour file and old tour files are still supported (settings default to what they are set in the game mode menu) - Added view blocks (from AFE), similar to powerup block except you can see what you're going to get when you hit it |