Surreal64 XXX Changelog: Beta 5.00 --------- - Changed: All controllers are now enabled by default (see FAQ) - Fixed: Some texture filters were missing for 6.11 - Fixed: Display filters were not initialized on startup for 6.11 - Fixed: Amount of texture memory to be freed was wrong for 6.11 - Fixed: Reset Rom did not work for 6.11 - Fixed: RiceVideo6.1.0.ini was missing - Fixed: Minor code cleanups FAQ: ---- Oh noes, 3/4 controller won't work for me!!1 -------------------------------------------- If your controllers are not working, they are probably still inactive. This is due to old game specific ini files, which are saved in the folder 'ini'. Delete this folder (look here-> D:\\Surreal64xxx_B5 and here -> E:\\TDATA\a64fea57) and it should work again. This will also reset other settings you may have changed for your roms. You can also just highlight your Rom, press X in the Launcher, enter Controller Settings and re-enable your controllers for your highlighted Rom from there (Remember? Game specific). Help, my Rom does not load / crashes with 6.11 if i return from the ingame menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Open RiceVideo6.1.0.ini - Search for your Rom, e.g. Mario Kart - Find and delete NormalAlphaBlender, NormalColorCombiner, FrameBufferEmulation - Pray it will work I did what you wrote and heck, i even prayed, but the Rom still refuses to load ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Highlight your Rom - Press X in Surreal Launcher - Go to Emulator Settings - Change Audio Plugin to Basic Audio - Pray it will work - This method works for Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil and many other games My Rom has strange texture artifacts with 6.11, they look like cracks... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Open RiceVideo6.1.0.ini - Search for your Rom, e.g. Mario Kart - Find and delete AccurateTextureMapping - Pray it will work What is the key combo to change between MemPak and RumblePak? ------------------------------------------------------------- Hold left Trigger + right Trigger and press left Thumbstick Is this your last Release ? --------------------------- Yes, indeed, this is my last Surreal64 XXX Release. I hope, you had as much fun as i had with the XXX releases. You have been a great community, thanks a lot... freakdave |