Windows To run this you need to obtain the following files lame.exe - mp3 encoder binary oggdec.exe or sox.exe (with ogg support) - ogg decoder (if you plan on using ogg support), can also use sox faad.exe - faad2 aac decoder binary flac.exe - flac decoder copy the exe files into scriptdir to start the server click run start.bat Mac install lame,faad,flac and sox (preferably using fink) run startmac Linux install lame,faad,flac and sox where they will be found by a bash script run start ---------- To configure point your browser to I suggest to test it you only point it at a small number such as a single album ----------- If you get errors about could not open socket try adding the ip after the start script e.g ./start If you get silence try running the relavent conversion script from a terminal If you get static on the 360 there's a good chance its caused by the endianness of the output from the relevant script being wrong. Try adding/removing the -x flag from lame |