------------------------------------------------------ iPrep 101 Version: 0.0.1 -------------- Released: 06/06/2007 (UK DATE) -------------- Programmer: Klutsh -------------- License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE -------------- Copyright Notes: The Xtreme firmware is not included, you must obtain this yourself. This software may be freely redistributed so long as it is left unaltered, unless given permission by Klutsh. ------------------------------------------------------ *DISCLAIMER: ANY USE OF THIS PROGRAM IS YOUR OWN RISK* iPrep is a .NET application and collection of MSDOS applications for use in flashing Samsung TS-H943A DVD drives. - Can detect your SATA/RAID controller and HEX-Edits MTKFlash for your chipset. - Formats your floppy/usb drive and copies all necessary files over. - Can be used with NTFS cd's, creates a folder on your hdd. - MD5 checker when selecting your firmware lets you know your firmware is legit - Updateable Firmware definitions. - Provides simple to use on screen instructions in MSDOS. - Works with iXtreme v1.0 and future releases. (Can be made backwards compatable) - Can be used to spoof a Hitachi GDR3120L Key to a Samsung TS-H943A DVD drive. - Nolonger uses MSINFO32, should now work in Vista and other WMI capable OS's. This program contains no firmware or pre-coded patches. You may link to this publicly and redistribute it freely. !!NOTE: BE CAREFUL! THIS PROGRAM USES A FORMAT COMMAND. THIS WILL DELETE ALL FILES ON THE REMOVEABLE DRIVE LETTER YOU CHOOSE. IF THERE ARE FILES ON YOUR FLOPPY OR USB DRIVE YOU WANT TO KEEP, GET THEM OFF THE MEDIA FIRST! THE FILES WILL BE DELETED. DOUBLE-CHECK YOUR DRIVE LETTER BEFORE RUNNNING THE PROGRAM. NOBODY WANTS TO ACCIDENTALLY FORMAT THEIR WORK! A CHECK HAS BEEN INPLEMENTED TO PREVENT HDD ERASURE BUT I CANNOT GUARANTEE IT. How to Use: ----------- 1. Load your floppy disk or connect your USB Flash Drive. (optional) 2. Run iPrep. 3. Detect your sata chipset, if required. 4. Open your Xtreme Firmware's .bin file. 6. Click "DO IT!". 7. Boot from your prepared drive or your NTFS cd. 8. Type "iDump xxxxxxx xxxxx" to backup your 360's original firmware and create you hacked firmware. 9. Type "iFlash xxxxxxx xxxxx" to flash the hacked firmware. (Don't include the quotes, and replace x with your 360's Serial Number.) Thanks: ------- Caster420 for SamTool.exe. Bart for make bootable. (mkbt.exe) Textbook for the initial Idea. HP for the "HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool". *Micro$oft for the Xbox 360* Requirements: ------------- Microsoft .NET Framework V2 Serial ATA Drivers Installed in Windows for the SATA Detection. |