Samsung Core Modifier 1.0
This progran can modifier information of samsung firmwares (real core ms25 and ms 28) to make exact version of xtreme 4.2X update (ms25, ms28, H46, H47,H58,H59)
In Xtreme 4.X can change default speed

Samsung Core Modifier v 1.0 (10/11/06) By KaWeNGoD & Flash78
Use: patch [firmwarename.bin] [model] [mode]
patch [firmwarename.bin] [mode]
Where [model] can be:
s25/s28/h46/h47/h58/h59/h78 -> change model
? -> show actual model and mode
Where [mode] can be:
A -> Change the FW and puts it in Fast mode 4.xA
B -> Change the FW and puts it in Quiet mode 4.xB