Surreal64 XXX Changelog: Beta3 ----- FreakDave : ------------- - Fixed: Controller ports 3 and 4 did not work - Fixed: Slowdown in Zelda Majora's Mask - Fixed: Changing MemPak/RumblePak via submenu did not work - Fixed: Enable/Disable Controller option via submenu did not work - Added: Rice 5.10 - Added: Rice 5.31 - Added: Experimental 128 MB support - some videoriceini editing GogoAckman : -------------- - X button in the menu to decrease - bug of the 4 controllers solved (but there is another strange bug -> solved, removed others xbinput from project and linked to include) - romlistcache readded - emu now know if it runs from cd or hd, so it can now boot from (not tested) - sensitivity -100% to +100% - X button in place of B button by default - debug info and find the screen size in rice5.60 but I am still looking for left and top offset position. - removed some input.cpp from project, not needed (there are still unneeded files I think) - debug info - configappsave2 by crc - include rice 510 and 531 (error compiling) - see if there is a bug when editing controllers (done, apparently no bugs) - launcher music - loading bar corrected - corrected freeze when no roms found - Added skin by Neverwill Beta2 - initial release ----------------------- - sources updated to latest cvs, which means rice video 5.60, new audio plugins. - brand new launcher, I let you discover it - brand new ingamemenu - lot of options - input corrected a bit, it is not perfect though - many other things, too much to tell actually |