__ _______ _____ _ \ \ / / __ \ / ____| | \ V /| | | | (___ | | > < | | | |\___ \| | / . \| |__| |____) | |____ /_/ \_\_____/|_____/|______| 1) Introduction --------------- X-DSL is a small (about 50 mbs) but fully functional Linux distribution for the XBOX, based on Damn Small Linux (http://www.damnsmalllinux.org). 2) Installation --------------- Copy the KNOPPIX folder and linuxboot.cfg to the root of the XBOX E drive. Copy the default.xbe somewhere where it will be picked up by your dashboard/boot method. Note if linuxboot.cfg already exists from another Xbox-linux installation, just copy the contents of the linuxboot.cfg in this archive onto the end of the existing file to allow you to dual boot. 3) Usage -------- Run default.xbe and choose FatX (E:). Once booted the DSL XBOX Edition should behave exactly as Damn Small Linux. A Virtual Keyboard is available by right clicking on the Desktop and choosing applications, tools, Virtual Keyboard. You can install extensions (new features and programs) by copying Damn Small Linux extensions on the root of the XBOX E drive. (Extensions available from http://ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/damnsmall/mydsl/). 4) Saving your settings ----------------------- XDSL boots from a compressed read only filesystem so it is not possible to write back any changes to XDSL without remastering the entire image. If you want your settings saved they can be stored in a seperate file called backup.tar.gz. Go to Back/Restore in the desktop menu, type in hda50 and hit backup if you wish to make this file on your E drive. Once made your settings will be automatically saved on shutdown and restored on boot. To change what files are saved edit /home/dsl/filetool.lst 5) Developers ------------- friedgold, keo-keo, greenfellow 6) Thanks ------------------ This wouldn't be possible to John Andrews and Robert Shingledecker for creating the phenomenal Damn Small Linux distribution and to the XBOX-linux team for all the work they've done on getting Linux onto the XBOX. Thanks goes out to chadkeck for his initial help getting X-DSL out to the masses, cbagger01 for his configuration suggestions, and big_xbox_n00bie for his help with testing. Changelog: v0.1 - Now based on Damn Small Linux 1.0 rc - Recompiled sound drivers with xbox-linux patches to hopefully allow digital out for sound - Added swap file support. (go to system, setup swapfile) - Added xbv and a script to correct overscan problems (go to system, correct overscan) - Virtual Keyboard now included in the KNOPPIX image (in applications, tools) - Show ip address on boot - New logo - Updated default configuration files with bigger fonts - Tidied up boot process - Can now mount all xbox partitions (i.e. not just the E partition) v0.05 - Added xbox.tar.gz - Name change from DSL-Xbox to X-DSL v0.04 - Doh! Forgot to include /KNOPPIX/linux24-xbox in zip file, hence v0.03 wouldn't boot - First public release v0.03 - cleaned up /lib/modules - Included xvkbd.tar.gz (Virtual Keyboard) v0.02 - Changed to kernel version 2.4.29 - Included backup.tar.gz to allow booting into X v0.01 - Initial version based on Damn Small Linux 0.9.3 |