About Surreal64 FDB --------------------------------- This is a modified version (FDB = freakdave's birthday release) of Surreal64 v1.0. Changelog ----------------- * Added: Implemented GogoAckman's Video Menu and renamed to Settings Menu * Added: Option to change the analogue stick sensitivity via the Settings Menu * Fixed: Removed custom settings from Surreal.ini as they're now stored in fdb.ini * Fixed: Some bugs in GogoAckman's Video Menu code which forced you to restart Surreal if you changed texture filter modes for PJ64 and 1964 * Fixed: Lockup if there was no fdb.ini (former Surreal-xxx.ini) in the directory * Fixed: Removed Vertex mode option from the Video Menu * Fixed: Some typos in the Video Menu * Fixed: Minor code cleanups Misc ------- * Full sourcecode is included FAQ (updated) ------------------------------------------------------------ Q: How do i change Surreal's Vertex Processing Mode? A: Open fdb.ini and search for VertexMode: Valid modes are : 0 = Pure Device (don't use this setting unless you know what you're doing. Not recommended) 1 = Software Vertex Processing (this is Surreal's default setting.Recommended) 2 = Hardware Vertex Processing (games may run faster and even better with this setting, but it may also cause graphical glitches in certain games. Not recommended) 3 = Mixed Vertex Processing (specifies mixed (both software and hardware) vertex processing. Not recommended) Q: How do i change the Texture Filter for PJ64/1964/UltraXLE A: Start a game and push the right thumbstick. Go into Settings Menu, highlight Texture Filter and press (A) Valid modes are : 1 = Point Filtering (Fast but low quality. Looks like on a Nintendo DS or PS1) 2 = Linear Filtering (Surreal's default setting) 3 = Anisotropic Filtering (Slower but better quality.My favorite btw ;)) 4 = Quincunx Filtering (Cubic Filter mode.Looks similar to Point Filter mode) 5 = Gaussian-Cubic Filtering (Cubic Filter mode with a different cubic kernel) Q: How do i change the Sensitivity for the Analogue sticks ? A: Start a game and push the right thumbstick. Go into Settings Menu, highlight Sensitivity in % and press (A) 0% = Surreal64's default value (8000) 100% = Maximum sensitivity A value of 60% worked fine for me in most cases. You can also change these settings in fdb.ini ************************************************** Abombniballx,Jump 'n BumpX,Dodgin Diamond 2X,GluttonX,KETMX,SDL-FighterX,Shippy1984X,Heroes of RoswellX,Miss DrillerX,Surreal64_FDB freakdave http://freakdave.xbox-scene.com |