MooGUI Release Notes v1.2.0: * Multi-game "layout" maker * Remove missing game folder files from layout. * Layout viewer * FTP download from Xbox with Boost Mode (Avalaunch only) * Simple FTP Browser * Support for OEIBuf when released by CloneXB. (Currently not enabled) Notes: The documentation included with this release is outdated. I have not the time or inclination to update it just yet. But it is enough to get new users started with basic features. Though the new FTP system is totally not documented BUT is very similar to Quix. Also included in this release is an XBE launcher (xcut.exe). Supported dashboards are Avalaunch, UnleashX, and EvolutionX. To use, just create a shortcut to it and adjust the 'target' of the shortcut. Here is some sample shortcuts: "I:\xcut.exe" 21 xbox xbox False -launch "C:\avalaunch.xbe" "Avalaunch 0.48.64" "I:\xcut.exe" 21 xbox xbox False -shutdown FTP support matrix: * Download game folders from Xbox with Boost Mode --> Avalaunch * Download game folders from Xbox --> Avalaunch, UnleashX * Verify downloaded folders with MD5 --> Avalaunch, UnleashX * Launch XBE's --> Avalaunch, UnleashX, EvolutionX * Browse Xbox --> Most if not all Xbox dashboards * Download files --> Most if not all Xbox dashboards Note: The only dashboards that MooGUI can use to download entire 'game folders' with or without layout file support is Avalaunch and UnleashX. So if you are an EvolutionX user and want to create an ISO with MooGUI you'll have to temporarily switch over to Avalaunch or UnleashX. You can launch the dashboard within MooGUI, download the game folder, and switch back when done. Note: Since MooGUI does not create the ISO itself, it needs to download all the files from the Xbox first then pass them over to XDVDFS Tools. Because of this you need to have enough HD space on your PC. For example if you want to make an ISO of a game that is 4GB in size, you'll need 8GB to do it, 4GB for the downloaded files, and 4GB for the ISO. Note: Cancelling a 'boost mode' download will of course hang Avalaunch. P.S. This is the first release of v1.2.0, so watch out for them bugs. regards, moobar |