X3 Config Live Build 1957 If you discover any bugs or wish to post successful test results please use this forum. http://www.teamxecuter.com/index.php?name=Forums&file=viewforum&f=44 WE RECOMMEND YOU RESET YOU X3 CONFIG TO DEFAULTS AFTER FLASHING THIS BIOS AND RE-DOING YOUR SETTINGS ! [1957] - fixed: pal60 flags fuckup - this release should fix all pal60 issues (non working ms dash) - note: pal60 setting now moved to settings/video modes, only visible when current mode is PAL-I - fixed: "eeprom backup info" if no backup existent [1943] - fixed: display of wrong time after backing up Xbox eeprom in x3cl - fixed: local timezone bullshit - you wont get wrong values anymore when setting time in x3cl - info: steady hdd led in x3cl is normal -> x3cl is querying the hdd for free space left informations - added: x3cl now runs in widescreen too if widescreen enabled in eeprom - fixed: x3cl modeset switching problems; eeprom user section checksum calculation was fucked up - this caused non working widescreen/video mode settings! fixed and tested 100% now - please switch video modes in x3cl one time to correct the eeprom user section checksum [1916] - changed auto-480p behaviour: 480p now automatically enabled in flubber&x3cl ONLY when we are on NTSC-U and 480p is enabled in eeprom. If this is not the case then both things are displayed in 480i - tested bios on xcalibur/focus with *microsoft HD pack*, 32 testcases with various videomode combinations tested, all work 100% now. *Don't* enable 480p in eeprom if you dont have a 480p capable device!!! - Note: other HD packs (and also x2vga) may bring different results! - fixed wrong time display - now x3cl displays/sets time with correct timezone [1892] - removed X3 flubber for now since it seems to be the reason for non booting games (fucked up framebuffer pointer?) - fixed "rename" function in ftp - works now - fixed "dir = 0kb file" problem on D: drive, other drives work perfectly (tested with flashfxp 3.0 b1015) - HALO 2 booting and working 100%, note: you have to disable debug mode (as you had to do in HALO 1) to make it work! [1884] - (finally?) fixed HDTV videomodes, tested on focus and xcalibur - x3cl now always 480p if hd pack is attached - startup anim now always 480p if hd pack attached - Saved Games DO work. If you saved games with the older versions of X3 then they may be corrupted. New saved games will work - lame CERT bug, sorry. [1879] - fixed non working hdtv on conexant / focus - 480p on xcalibur still not working - bughunting in progress - fixed non booting games - fixed system link problem on 1.6 - we need test reports - fixed savegame corruption on 1.6 - we need test reports - fixed problem when entering passwords. note: passwords are 8 chars max! - ftp can now move files across drives, but note, this doesn't work with directories atm. XBOX API function "MoveFileEx" only moves files across drives, not dirs. - [TEMP. DISABLED DUE TO XCALIBUR 480P BUG] X3CL now displayed in 480p if hd pack attached - [TEMP. DISABLED DUE TO XCALIBUR 480P BUG] flubber now displayed in 480p if hd pack attached - When using FTP try to use a decent client like FlashFXP - we have zero issues. Using Internet Explorer ftp or some other client maybe not be 100% - Disabled the "3" Logo and put the XBOX text back on startup animation in preperation for your custom .x files on a later build. - Fixed X Logo positioning on different camera angles. - X3 Flubber is a bit different - needs cleaning up - didnt have time for this build. - FTP Rename still broke - will fix it on next build. [1879] - fixed non working hdtv on conexant / focus - 480p on xcalibur still not working - bughunting in progress - fixed non booting games - propably fixed system link problem on 1.6, gotta be tested - propably fixed savegame corruption on 1.6, gotta be tested - fixed problem when entering passwords, note: passwords are 8 chars max! - ftp can now move files across drives, but note, this doesn't work with directories! XBOX API function "MoveFileEx" only moves files across drives, not dirs! - [TEMP. DISABLED DUE TO XCALIBUR 480P BUG] x3cl now displayed in 480p if hd pack attached - [TEMP. DISABLED DUE TO XCALIBUR 480P BUG] flubber now displayed in 480p if hd pack attached [1859] - fixed bug that prevented flashing of backup flash rom - fixed bug when determining the filename of the just uploaded bios (happens with internet explorer only) - added display of hdd free space to x3cl main screen [1835] - fixed bug with crashing ftp server on rare occasions (THUG2) - fixed bug with dpad up/down crashing on xbox info screens - "site launch" ftp command fixed - this actually never worked correctly - removed "hurz and murz" the two idiots - fixed file/directory ftp move (RNFR/RNTO) (did that ever work correctly?) - added display of free space per partition in ftp dir listing [1777] - changed default animation - removed small blobs from x3 logo anim - removed f: g: drive partitioning on existing hdd in case they arent present [1772] - changed default color of "3" - checking for flash protection now before starting to flash - fixed non working random startup animation paths - many many textchanges [1729] - lcd backlight setting now configurable - tweaked lcd output a little bit - lcd welcome message (default: "www.teamxecuter.com") is now changeable - colorized new flubber/xlogo code - added several new flubber/xlogo toggles - fixed bug with temp. display on 1.6 when displaying messageboxes in x3 config live - now supporting nghtshd's partitioning tool - successfully tested, partitioning has to be enabled in x3 config live to make it use a saved partition (new option located under disk tools / new hdd upgrade) [1702] - backlight now enabled in x3 config live (will be configurable later) [1701] - 2 kernels now available, <1.6 and 1.6 - added new startup animation code (will be configurable soon) [1700] - new lcd lib used - fixed problem with not disabling x3 [1691] - disabled temperature display on 1.6 boxes - first 1.6 xbox bios release - full xcalibur support added [1673] - fixed logo colours - auto naming of flashed files - added x3 startup text (will be customizable in future versions) - changed flashing menu mechanism (now directly allows flashing without having to select flashname entry from menu) - rearranged menus a little bit [1621] - fixed nasty eeprom bug... if your eeprom is hosed now, just change something in vidmodes - it will be re-encrypted again [1607] - fixed backup rom flashing [1577] - added lcd support (which can be toggled in menu) - added flashing of internal backup rom (crashes, due to cpld issues?) - changed code to new x3 config registers [1463] - after changing a dashname, the dash priority list is instantly updated - to define a transparent background for a logo, use color value #FF00F6 - it gets automatically replaced by background color - ... and because of that, the x3 default logo now has a transparent background and looks great even on changed background colors - added 4 new flubber color presets [1456] - quick-7am-in-the-morning-fix: rewrote controller query code to reliably handle removal/adding of 1-4 controllers [1451] - moved x3logo.bmp to E: drive - fixed lacking screenshot ability in colorpicker dialogues [1448] - screenshots now incrementally saved to e:\x3screenshots - screenshots now everywhere possible (even in keyboards, flashing, confirm. dialogues) - no more auto finishing of time/date entry, now has to be confirmed with y - added 256 colors 180x50 bitmap logo loading to kernel - put c:\x3logo.bmp with 256 colors (8bit) and 180x50px and enjoy the colors on startup ;) - after bank switch you now can directly boot to this bank - added mod disable function -> reboots machine with mod disabled - fixed bug that you could hold any button to enter app, now only white is allowed, so first is checked for white, then a,b,x or y and then dashes are run - fixed bug that when controller is removed then menu went dead [1390] - xshell is no longer loaded when debug is disabled - fixed all menu bugs - added cancel/-/_ button to keyboard, reworked key mappings - fixed cursor bugs - black + back combo does cold reboot - white + back combo does screenshot (e:\x3screenshot.bmp) - added ability to set LED color - autofill for date/time setting keyboard ("." between DD.MM or HH.MM is inserted) - beautified confirmation and info dialogues - added all encryption keys to x3data.txt - added all flubber / logo colors to x3data.txt - added display of manufacturing date / location and more hardware infos any maybe even more? just tired right now... [1318] - e:\\dashboard.xbx is ignored now when debug is disabled (though, xshell is not runnable without dbd support! needs exports!) - removed wiping of xeepromkey (normally this is a standard kernel function) - no more 0000 eeprom keys - dip switch display fixed (1-4 now) - re-arranged hdd setup menu - static ip now default |