This is an EARLY BETA please report errors, problems, suggestions etc in the forums at 1) Load SceneTool.exe 2) Click 'Load Point Info' 3) Load included pointinfo.kpi 4) Alter points as you see fit by editing values in table on left 5) Click 'Save Point Info' to save file so you can come back to it later 6) Click 'Write Hex File' 7) Quit SceneTool 8) Unpack 4981 bios using XBTool 9) Load HexWorkshop 10) Open kernel.img you just unpacked from .bin 11) Open the machinery.hbk bookmark file 12) Paste hex from Hex file you created with SceneTool 13) Save kernel.img 14) Pack bios using XBTool et viola flash to xbox |