_________________________________________________ | | | | | Frosted bios Loader 1.0 RC2 | | | |_________________________________________________| NEW FEATURES: Support for kernels 5530+ - RMENHAL Debug logging Skins Splash Images Probably more... REQUIRED: For loading most bioses, you need an RC4Key and an appropriate EEPROM key. You also need a bios itself. USE: Frosted bios Loader was created for those who like the icing and those who just like the cake. Its goal is to be easy as pie to eat... I mean use... in any circumstance. The Configuration Reference is avail- able in configuration.htm. However, it should be possible to have a boot.cfg bare of all but the keys. Above 5530: rmenhal's bios is recommended, and use UDE2. :) DESCRIPTIONS OF COMPLEX FUNCTIONS: Command-line Parameters: For whatever purpose, it's possible to send command- line arguments to FBL. The arguments are: -r/-rom/-b/-bios:|ROM TO LOAD| -c/-config:|CONFIGURATION FILE TO USE| -noconfig:|DON'T USE CONFIGURATION FILE| -splash:|SPLASH IMAGE/DIRECTORY TO USE| -k/-keys:|KEYS FILE TO USE| -skin:|SKIN TO USE| -dumpcolors/-colordump:|DUMP COLORS TO COLORS.TXT| -credits A working FBL item in EvoX may be: Item "FBL","c:\fbl.xbe",ID_CMD,"-skin:MySkin" or: Item "FBL","c:\fbl.xbe",ID_CMD,"-b=|C:\My Bioses\moo.bin|" As you can see, a vertical line is used for arguments with spaces, as a quotation mark would be used in MS-DOS type command-lines. Colors: Either use the command-line option -dumpcolors or check for colors.txt. Keep an eye on the thread for more information about configuration parameters, more skins, etc. For credits, use the CREDITS configuration parameter. Enjoy! -Tomilius |