A while ago there was a set of tools called xdvdfs_tools released onto the scene which gave XBOX owners the ability to make backups of their original games but keep the layout of the files on the backup exactly the same as on the original. This in theory should have provided users with the fastest loading backups possible. However, although the idea was a brilliant one, there were certain flaws in the logic of the implementation along with 1 major bug. The main flaw in the logic was that it didnt take into account the fact that we are going from a dual layer XBOX disc to a single layer DVD-R and therefore it was giving more importance to layer 1 files where, in actual fact, layer 0 files were the most important. Myself, Vood, Xeero, Ncasebee & Devenic all discussed this in great length and came up with a strategy that should work. You can either use CloneXB v2.3 (Beta) to try this out or you can also use this new v2.0 set of xdvdfs_tools which I have modified and also, as part of that set, I have created a brand new layout dumping tool which runs on the XBOX to create a new format of layout file that contains enough information for any developer wishing to take advantage of the tool to create faster loading backups using their own ISO tools. This new dumper has a GUI, lets you dump mutliple titles in one session, and returns back to the Dash when done. The old one just dumped and crashed. Anyone wanting to know about the in and outs of why or how this new method of creating backups works please read this thread :- http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=226194&st=195 The aim is that once people are happy with these tools and methods they will use the new XBOX LayoutDumper v1.0 to dump all their original titles to a layout file which can then be submitted to an online repository for other people to use and look at. |