## Changelog
* added OpenGL renderer;
* added icon.

## How to play
1. Unzip `nxquake_v020.zip` into the root of your SD card.
2. Copy `pak0.pak` from the `id1` folder of your Quake installation (shareware or full) to `/switch/nxquake/id1/`.
    2.1. (optional) Copy `pak1.pak` from the `id1` folder of the full version of Quake to `/switch/nxquake/id1/` if you want to be able to play the full version of Quake.
    2.2. (optional) Copy `pak0.pak` from the `hipnotic` folder of Scourge of Armagon to `/switch/nxquake/hipnotic/` if you want to be able to play Scourge of Armagon.
    2.3. (optional) Copy `pak0.pak` from the `rogue` folder of Dissolution of Eternity to `/switch/nxquake/rogue/` if you want to be able to play Dissolution of Eternity.
3. Run NXQuake using Homebrew Launcher.

If it crashes, check `error.log` in `/switch/nxquake/` to find out the reason.