QuakeX - Quake for Xbox V1.00

This is Quake for Xbox consoles ported from SDLQuake V1.09. The
distribution comes with the shareware PAK file to get you started.


  - Full singleplayer
  - 640x480 rendering at 60fps
  - Mod Menu for expansion paks/TC's etc
  - Gamepad/Mouse/Keyboard support.
  - Customizable inputs
  - PAL60 support
  - CDDA audio.
  - Uses SDLx
  - Source code released

Currently not implemented
  - Networked/Multiplayer games 
  - Hardware rendering
  - Rumble support


Fire             Right trigger
Jump             Left trigger
Next weapon	 DPad up
Prev weapon	 DPad down
Walk             Left stick Y
Strafe           Left stick X
Look up/down     Right stick Y
Look left/right  Right stick X

In Menu

Start		 Return
Back		 Escape
Y Button	 Y

Controls can be customized via the 'Options' menu, and
by editing your config.cfg files.


Screen position and size can be modified by opening up
config.cfg modifying the following values:

xbox_screen_pos_y "0"
xbox_screen_pos_x "0"
xbox_screen_size_y "0"
xbox_screen_size_x "0"

These values are relatative. For example xbox_screen_size_x "-60"
means reduce the horizontal screen size by 60 pixels i.e 
480 minus 60 = 420 pixels

Inverting look on gamepad can be set by adjusting
xbox_invert_look in config.cfg from "0" to "1"

Notes on CDDA

CDDA audio works fine, however expect a slight drop 
in framerates since there is a performance hit associated
with streaming audio as it requires CPU time.

Contact Info


email: [email protected]

Credits & Thanks

ID Software, Sam Lantinga, Iriez & Xbins