***  *****  ******  ******  ******  ******  ******  ******  *****  ***
  **  ***  ******  ******  ******  ******  ******  ******  ******  ***  **
 *                    _______                                             *
 *                   /   _   \ __ ____  ___   ____  __                    *
 **                  |  | |  |/ /|_  _|/ _ \ |_  _|/ /                   **
 ***                 |  |_|  | \\ |  | |   /  |  |  \\                  ***
 **                  \_______//_/|____||_|\_\|____|/_/                   **
 *                               PRESENTS                                 *
 *   ********>>>                                            <<<********   *
  **                           XSkin v1.0.5                             **
    *                 Developed by Osiris Productions                  *
  **                     http://www.osirishq.cjb.net                    **
      ******>>>             RELEASED: 08-06-03               <<<******
  ** *                                                                * **
 *      Programmed by : Osiris          For       : EvoX 1.8.2594 +       *
 *      OS            : Windows         Rls Type  : Xbox Skinner          *
 **     Language      : English         Size      : ??? kb               **
 ***                                                                    ***
 **                                                                      **
 *                                                                        *
 *   <-<< RelEaSE NOteS >>->                                              *
     XSkin allows you to easily create skin.ini files for use with
     your Xbox console running EvolutionX Beta 1.8.2594 or later. It
     doesn't work on previous versions.

     <--<< fEaTUreS >>-->
     Save Project
     Full Preview
     Create skin.ini files
     Easy to use graphical interface
     Preview ini file
     Optional TV border
     Easily modify colors and positions

     <--<< UpCOmiNG fEaTUreS >>-->
     Load saved ini
     Uploading to Xbox
     More? Send your ideas to [email protected]
 *                                                                        *
 *                                                                        *
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                         CONTACT: [email protected]                        
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